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Sophia's POV

It was quickly becoming bittersweet because fewer than three weeks after we'd returned to Volterra and Thea had spoken for the first time she had walked, Demetri and I had been cuddled on the couch reading to out loud to her from Demetri's favorite plays with her sitting on the floor with her toys playing with them while listening to his voice reading to her when she had stood up not in the least bit shaky, and crossed the floor almost as gracefully towards us and climbed up to sit in my lap...we had stared in shock as usual but quickly hid it and clapped for our daughter success which brought a smile to her face.

Later I had called Carlisle and spoke with him about her progress but he assured me it was normal and right around the same time line as Renesmee which both brought me comfort and despair because soon my baby would be as big as Renesmee.

We had set up her room and already she was sleeping in a big girl bed and Chelsea had made it her responsibility to provide her with clothes as she just about seemed to grow out of her clothes everyday which was another thing that scared me but I never showed it in front of my daughter, only speaking about my worries when Demetri and I were alone when Thea was asleep.

When I was with Thea I made sure to make every second count meaning I made sure to take a thousand photos of her as back in Fork's Rosalie had started a baby album for me that was already filling up so it looked like it was to span years rather than weeks and documented every phase of her accelerated childhood that way I could always remember my sweet baby girl.

At three months, Thea could have been a big one-year-old or a the very least a small two year-old but she wasn't shaped exactly like a toddler as she was leaner and more graceful, her proportions were more even like an adult's, she could speak with flawless grammar and articulation as well as she could not only walk but run and dance, she could even read and I remembered the day she first read.

"Dadda I wanna read?" she asked stopping Demetri from reading and looked down at her as she was sitting in his lap.

"Okay" Demetri nodded at her and she looked at the book, it was just on poems that seemed to calm and help her sleep so Demetri read to her every night with a new poem.

"Time is
Too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love, time is

I smiled up at Demetri since our daughter truly was the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed in my life and I felt more in love with her everyday and that of Demetri since without him I wouldn't have her...I never thought I believed in fate but sitting here with my family...what else could describe it.

I tucked Thea into bed kissing her forehead before I returned to our room seeing Demetri where I always found him, sitting on the couch with the fire blazing even though we didn't need it with the poetry book in his lap reading ahead for some of the better poems which he would mark out for tomorrow night and I smiled going over and placed myself in his lap taking the book from him and started flicking through it myself smiling when I came across one I liked.

"The man of my heart's own choice,
Doth make my soul rejoice;
He is wondrous fair,
With gold-burnished hair,
And a kind and winsome voice.

His eyes are like Heaven's own blue,
And his heart is just as true;
And he loves me, oh,
And his children, so!

There is naught for us he would not do.
He is not very great in size,
But he is, oh, so very wise.
And there is naught to compare
With the light that shines there,
In those luminous soul-lit eyes"

I felt Demetri's arms tighten around me as I flicked through again pretty content to remain here all night and it's pretty much exactly what we did finding poems that we liked and bookmarked them or read them to each other.

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