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Sophia's POV

I still couldn't believe that this was happening, I felt completely powerless waiting for if and when Demetri returned...we had left Volterra at the beginning of the week, all I had with me was a bag with a couple of pairs of clothes, Demetri's copy of Shakespeare plays in case something bad happened I wanted to remember him, his grey pea coat and myself holed up in a hotel in Seattle.

We had gone to London with Demetri filling me in vaguely saying that there was a few allies that they had to convince to stand with them which I didn't think it went too well because he returned to me angry and upset and I barely got to see any of the sights as I stayed at the hotel waiting for him, we barely spoke both of us too caught up in our own thoughts of the possible tragedy ahead.

After that we'd come straight to Seattle where we settled into a hotel for two days, him waiting on his orders which came earlier this morning and it was a very heartbreaking goodbye...

"Don't go" I pleaded hanging onto his side like a child but I didn't care.

"You know I can't stay" he told me prying me off him holding my hands beside me. "I love you Sophia Hart" he told me and I frowned.

"So long as your alive it's Volturi" I glared at him and he smiled letting go of my hands to cup my cheeks.

"I know" he kissed my forehead before pulling my lips to his and I let myself be swept up into his intoxicating embrace but too soon he was pulling away. "Take care of yourself while I'm gone"

"I love you Demetri, more than anything"

"I know, I'll love you forever mi amore" he pulled me into his arms and I laid my head against his chest feeling the tears start cascading down my cheeks but I didn't care since this very well could be the last time I ever see him. "I have to go" he sighed but didn't look like he was willing to let go any more than I was.

"Come back to me please" I begged as he finally let go and stepped back.

"I'm going to try my hardest" he replied brushing his hand across my cheek one last time, my eyes instinctively closed with the soft caress and by the time I opened my eyes he was gone.

That was over a day and a half ago and I hadn't heard anything from anyone and I felt my hope dwindling every hour, he had left instructions with the hotel to have room service automatically delivered to me since Demetri knew I wouldn't take of myself and I ate it only to distract myself but half of it tasted disgusting even though it looked and smelt like a 5 star quality meal and I couldn't keep any of it down.

I leant back on the bathtub after another round of emptying my stomach, touching my forehead feeling all clammy and gross...I knew this had to be the stress since no matter how hard I tried I couldn't help thinking of him not returning and the thought was unbearable since I didn't ever want to live in a world where he didn't exist, I never thought I'd be the type to become so reliant and dependent on a guy that the thought of a life without them ever could affect me like this but I didn't hate it since Demetri was everything to me.


Demetri's POV

There was no fight, no war and yet I wasn't relieved about it since the news that the child wasn't immortal and had been conceived by the mind reader and his mate while she was human filled me with dread since it had never been heard of before but more importantly the moment it was revealed my mind had gone straight to Sophia.

I think the reason it had never been heard of was because it was extremely rare for a male vampire to ever have the restraint to be with a woman in such a way that could possibly get her...impregnate her and yet the mind reader and I had that in common...had I have known about it I would have never agreed to have sex with Sophia while she was human since Bella had had damn near killed her.

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