1. "I love you Jordy"

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We had just finished unpacking our stuff and we were all seated around the dinner table. "So... what are you all planning to do tomorrow?" Daddy asked awkwardly. "Well first we go to school," Jonathan started, Jordan and I tensed at the mention of being in public and being away from each other. "Then we come back here and chill." Jonathan finished and took a bite of his taco that mom made. "Yeah I don't think going to school is a good Idea for us" Jordan said referring to the both of us. Mom and dad looked at us and sighed, "You guys did fine back in the city, so you'll do fine here." Mom said taking a sip from her water. "But we grew up with those idiotic people, we don't know anyone here." I sighed, "Luna, you'll be fine. And plus the boys know a girl named Sarah." Daddy placed his hand on mine. "But at our old school Jordan and I had classes together! We don't have them anymore! I'll have a panic attack EVERYDAY! I can't wait until free period or lunch just to see them!" I was standing up now, my hands planted on the table almost breaking it with my strength. "Woah calm down Lu, it's ok." Jonathan wrapped his arms around me, that's the only way to calm me down. I was breathing heavily and leaned back into his embrace. "I can't do this without you guys Jonny." I mumbled into his shoulder. "It's okay, calm down please. Take a breath with me." He breathed in and so did I, then we both exhaled. I sit back down and stare at my feet. "I'm sorry for my outburst." I apologized, "it's ok honey, we understand that your upset but your brothers will still be there when you need them." Mom said, Natalie smiled, "Yeah but what if Jord or Luny expose their powers?" She asked using the nicknames Jordan and I hate. "Shut It you duff!" I snorted. Mom smiled as Natalie and I were getting along again, "They will have to learn how to control their powers, but right now all we have to worry about is the panic attacks, and the daydreams." Daddy said as he looked at me and Jordan.
We finished up dinner and Natalie helped mom wash dishes, Jonathan and Daddy went to go work in the barn. Jordan and I went to his room and played video games, "Jordan can I ask you something?" I said breaking the silence. "Yeah sure." He said pausing the game and turned to look at me. "Will you be there for me like mom said, you know to help with the panic attacks?" I looked down waiting for him to say hell no. I felt him grab my chin and made me look up at him, "of course I will. That's what I'm here for Lu. And Jonathan and Natalie too, we all love you and want to be there for you, forever and always." I smiled, "Thanks, I love you Jordy." I ruffled his hair as he kissed my head. "I love you too LuLu." I got up and left his room and went into mine. I changed into some of my pj's and I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and took my hair out of its messy bun. I took a makeup removal wipe to my face and wiped all the makeup off. Once I was done I turned my bathroom light off and then I shut my bedroom door and turned out my bedroom lights. I crawled into bed and I picked up my favorite book called 'beauty and the castle of Narnia.' I started reading and soon fell asleep.

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