10. "Don't leave me...Please"

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I woke up to the scent of Jordan's cologne. Wait am I in Smallville? "Jordan, Jonathan. What happened?" I asked, "you got upset because we are leaving for national City. In a few weeks." Jonathan said. "But you guys can't leave me. Don't leave me...please" I said letting a few tears fall from my eyes. "Hey, it's okay. Well video call everyday. I promise." Jordan said as he pulled me into a hug. "But it's not the same..." I sobbed. "Hey, shh. It's okay, calm down Lu. Your okay, it's gonna be okay. I promise that if we video chat then it won't even feel like we're gone." Jonathan said as he rubbed my back, "to me it will. You guys are my support system, I can't function properly without you guys." I heard Jordan sighed as he rocked us back and forth. "I love LuLu." He kissed the top of my head as he looked at me, "I love you too Jordy. You too Jonny." I released Jordan from our hug and wiped my tears away. "Okay, it's late. You should head to bed, goodnight Lu." Jonathan said as he walked out of my room, "see you in the morning, LuLu." Jordan got me settled into bed then stood in the doorway next to Jonathan. "Goodnight J squad." I said as they left shutting my door behind them and I turned off my light going to bed.

I was walking back home when I saw everyone outside on their knees. Dad was yelling at lex Luthor to put the gun down but lex being lex didn't put the gun down. He shot mom, Natalie and Jonathan and then shot dad with Kryptonite bullets, then he  spotted me and smiled, 'awe, what a wonderful surprise! If it isn't the other Kent daughter. Sorry about your family.' I spat in his face 'go to hell Luthor! You are an ignorant son of a bitch!' He then frowned. 'Well then I guess you don't mind if I do this." He turned back around and shot Jordan in front of me. 'NOO! JORDAN!" I ran to Jordan's side and placed his head on my legs. 'Hey, hey jordy stay with me please. Come on Jordan.' He held my hand. 'It's time to let me go, I love you.' He said, 'no Jordan don't talk like that. Your going to be okay. Jordan? No... no Jordan!' He's dead. I ran after lex and shot him in the head. Then I broke his neck making sure he's dead.
End of nightmare

I shot up sweating and crying.  I remembered what happened in my dream and ran out of my room. First I checked the living room for my parents. When I ran in they looked at me with worry, "oh thank God." Dad looked at me funny, "bad dream." I walked back upstairs and to Jonathan's room and he was asleep. I checked on Natalie and Jordan and they were okay, I went back to my room and went back to sleep.

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