2. "Get away from me!"

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I woke up at 7:30 when my alarm clock went off and I went to my bathroom and took a shower. Once I finished I did my hair,

Then I got dressed in my Los Angeles Dodgers outfit,

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Then I got dressed in my Los Angeles Dodgers outfit,

Once I finished getting ready I walked out of my room and headed to the kitchen to see mom putting breakfast on the table and my crazy siblings chatting about whatever

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Once I finished getting ready I walked out of my room and headed to the kitchen to see mom putting breakfast on the table and my crazy siblings chatting about whatever. I sat by Jordan and started to eat, "morning Lu!" Jonathan smiled, "Morning Jonny." I gave a small smile in return, "You okay? You don't look to good." Natalie asked, "I'm fine, just a little scared is all." I took a bite of toast and looked over to Jordan and he was on his phone. "Hey kids, school time. Let's go!" Daddy smiled, we got up from our seats and walked outside and into dad's truck, Jordan and I in the bed of the truck and Jonathan and Natalie up front with dad. "Your not okay Luna." Jordan said as dad started driving, "okay, maybe I'm not. Maybe I just said that to get Natalie off my case, I'm really scared Jordan. I don't want to leave you." He scooted over to me and slung his arm around me.  "You'll be okay Luna, I promise. If you need anything just text me or ask if you can leave your classroom and come find me ok?" I nodded.
We soon arrived at school quicker than I  expected and we walked in. We saw Jonathan and Jordan's friend Sarah and we walked over to her. "Guys!" Sarah said, "hey Sarah." Jordan said quietly as he tried hiding his blush. I giggled, "Who's these two girks?" She asked Jonathan. "Oh Sarah meet our sisters Natalie and Luna." She smiled and waved at us. I waved back as I clung to Jordan. She looked a little shocked, "Hi Sarah! It's really nice to finally meet you. My brothers talk about you alot." Natalie said, "oh well I hope that what they said were all good things." Sarah worried, Natalie smiled brightly. "Of course! You seem so nice. I hear that your on the cheer team, if there is an opening can I fill it?" Ugh! Of course Natalie would want to do cheer. "Yeah! One of our girls just quit, so welcome to the team Natalie! The position is for a flyer, can you handle heights?" Natalie nodded happily. Then the bell rang, shit! I looked up at my siblings to see them looking at me with concern. "I'll be ok guys, we should head to class before we're late." I hugged Jordan real fast then hugged Jonathan and Natalie before heading to my first class with Sarah.
After the bell rang I gathered my things then headed to my 2nd class which was History, I had Sarah and Natalie in this class. Before I could reach the classroom I was pinned against the wall by a tall guy who looked to be in junior year. "Hey beautiful." He said,  "Get your hands off my body!" I said, he laughed "how about, No!" He said loudly. I shivered, my fists were clenched and I was ready to punch him with my strength. "I said get away from me!" I yelled, he slapped me hard. "Shut up bitch!" He yelled in my face, "You just fucked up." He looked at me in question, "JONATHAN! JORDAN! NATALIE! HELP ME!" I screamed. The three were by their lockers until they heard me scream. Jonathan was the first and he pulled the guy away and punched him. Jordan and Natalie saw the hand print and came rushing to me and hugging me. I cried, "I almost punched him full force strength Jordy. I almost hurt someone." I sobbed. "It's ok, it would have been worth it anyway because he hurt you." Jordan said. Jonathan came back from hitting the guy and hugged me. "I'm ok now. I promise." I said. I regained myself and headed to class with Sarah and Natalie.

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