5. "if she takes you away I'll die"

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It was the next day and us Kent's just arrived at school. Jonathan and Natalie are still mad at me and Sarah isn't talking to me about yesterday. She's seriously acting as if nothing happened, we were all standing by our lockers, Jonathan on his phone, Natalie reading her book, and Sarah talking to Jordan. "Jordy, Can I talk to you for a second please." I asked. "Uh yeah sure, one second Sarah." Jordan turned around to look at me, "I don't like Sarah." I said looking him Dead in the eye, "you barely know her!" He sighed. "If she takes you away I'll die." I said tearing up, "LuLu, you know she won't do that, and if you ever need me I'll be there no matter what. Okay?" He placed his hands on my shoulders, "okay, and remember I have a soccer game tonight. Don't miss it." He laughed, "I wouldn't dream of it." The bell rang and we walked to class.
Once the final bell rang I walked to the soccer girls locker room and changed into my uniform.
I put my phone with an awesome case into my water bottle pocket. Once I was done I jogged out to soccer field. "Kent! You showed up, unlike yesterday. 5 laps then scrimmage. Let's go!" Coach said, all the girls including myself started running. After practice the girls and I went back to the locker room to shower, once I was done I changed back into my uniform.

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