3. "I missed you J squad"

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After history class was over, I walked to lunch with Sarah and Natalie, the boys said that they would meet up with us there. We walked into the cafeteria and grabbed our food, I got an apple, orange juice and a hamburger. I paid for my lunch and scanned the cafeteria for my brother's, I saw them at a back table and walked over. I sat down beside Jordan and then Sarah and Natalie came and sat down, Natalie sat by Jonathan and Sarah sat in between me and Natalie. "I have a question, why do you two always sit by the other twin?" Sarah asked pointing to me and Natalie, "Because Jonathan and I are the older twin out of the two pair of twins. And Luna and Jordan like sitting together because Luna has separation anxiety and Jordan has social anxiety so they both sit together and are always around each other because of their anxiety." Natalie explains.
I reached over and smacked Natalie upside the head to get her to shut up. She glared at me, "ok another question, is Luna mute?" Sarah asked, "no she's just not used to talking to people that she doesn't know." Jonathan said. Sarah nodded. I was picking at my food and Jonathan immediately noticed, "Are you not hungry Luna?" He asked, "um I am it's just it still hurts." I said. He nodded, "You know, I missed you J Squad." I said as I leaned my head on Jordan's shoulder. "We missed you too LuLu." Jordan smiled, "that should be healed by now Luna." Natalie pointed out, "it is but there is still some aftermath pain." I sighed as I drank my OJ.

I was sitting in my room when a 10 year old Jordan walked into the room. Crying... "Jordan, what's wrong?" I asked, "I lost a friend today." He said, "oh Jordan, I'm so sorry." I said hugging him.
*end of flashback*

Once I was out of my "daydream" I noticed I was slightly crying. "Lu, what's wrong?" Jordan asked, "oh uh nothing, I just had a sad flashback. Sorry." I wiped my tears away and stared at the wall, "your apologizing for crying?" Sarah asked, "shut up!" I yelled. She looked shocked. I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria and out of the building, the final class bell rang and I started walking home.
Once I got there dad's truck was gone so that means mom's at work and dad told us this morning that he has business in Metro City. I walked inside and went upstairs to my room and locked my door, I turned my radio on and fell asleep soon after.

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