14. "Kara!"

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I was sitting in my room when I heard a whoosh outside. I knew dad was home because he was in the barn. Then I realized...Kara's here! I ran downstairs and out the front door. "Kara!" I said as I hugged her. "Hey darling!" She sang. Then the others came outside and dad came from the barn. "Hey Kara!" Dad said, "Hey Kal. I see you've fixed up the farm." She as they hugged. She hugged mom, Natalie, Jordan and Jonathan. "So hows Smallville treating you guys?" She asked us, "It has it's up's and down's but it's okay." Nat said. "Lots of fighting if I'm being honest." I said, she laughed. "I can tell, this place is a wrecking ball for siblings." She said, "You can say that again." Jonathan said.
After a few hours mom made dinner and Kara left to go back to National City. I was sitting in Jordan's room, on my phone when Jordan came and cuddled up to me. "What's wrong Jordy?" I asked, "I'm cold and your warm. So I'm using you as my personal body heater." He said as he buried his head in my neck, then there was a knock on the door. "Hey, have you two took your meds today?" Jonathan asked, "I have, I don't know about Jordan." I said. Then Jonathan grabbed Jordan's medication and gave Jordan a pill. Jordan then popped the pill in his mouth, "Swallow it Jordan." I said. Jordan then grabbed a bottle of water and swallowed his pill. "Alright, that's my brotherly job for the day." Jonathan said leaving the room.

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