15. " I have to do what?!"

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Mom and dad were fighting to get me out the door to go to the doctor because I needed my flu shot, tetanus shot and my blood taken. "I won't go!" I yelled resisting dads grip. "Yes you will Luna now stop fooling around!" Dad said still struggling to get me out the door. "Come on Lu. It's not that bad, Natalie is waiting in the car let's go!" Mom said. "NO!" I yelled. "What will it take for you to go?" Dad asked letting go of me. "Oh Clark, you really shouldn't have asked that." Mom said replying to dad, "buy me my own car." I said, "fine. Whatever will get you to the doctor I'll do it." Dad said as we finally got out the door, leaving the boys at home. "Finally! What did you promise to get her dad?" Natalie said, "A car." Dad sighed as we got in the truck and headed to the doctor's. "Oh have fun spending 3 hours of arguing about which car to get." Nat said. Once we got to the doctor's office Natalie was seen first and then it was my turn. I will say the inside of my lip started bleeding because I was trying not to scream. After I got my shots and my blood taken, we went back to the car and dad drove mom and Natalie home then drove me to the local car lot. We look at various types of cars but one really stuck out to me. It was a baby blue Camaro that had white leather seats. "I think the Camaro works for me daddy." I said as I pointed out the Camaro. "Alright let's buy it." After we bought the car and got insurance on it if the car would to ever be wrecked, dad got in his truck and I got in my Camaro. We drove home me behind dad and when we arrived the boys were playing football out front and mom and Natalie sat on the front porch. Then they saw my Camaro, "woah." I heard Jordan say as I pulled up. Then I got out of the Camaro and walked over to Jordan. "You bribed her with a car?! Dude! Not cool!" Jordan said turning to dad. "She wouldn't go to the doctor any other way." Dad said as he went up to mom and kissed her cheek. "Nice choice sissy." Jonathan said as he pulled me into a side hug. I went inside and went up to my room to take a shower.

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