7. "Leave me alone!"

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I woke up and took a hot shower. Once I finished I blow dried my hair and styled it like this,

 Once I finished I blow dried my hair and styled it like this,

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I then got dressed in a super cute outfit,

I then got dressed in a super cute outfit,

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Once I was done I walked downstairs. Everyone was downstairs, "Morning." I said, "Hey Luna, how'd you sleep?" Mom asked, "Okay I guess." I grabbed a Starbucks cup that I saved from the last time I went to Starbucks. I went to the fridge and grabbed Dragon fruit juice, Strawberry lemonade, and kiwifruit Gatorade and mixed it together. I made my favorite drink that I normally order from Starbucks which is a tornado punch drink. I put everything back in the fridge and sat beside Natalie. "Well this is new. What's up?" She asked, "Yesterday." I said glaring at Jordan. "Your still mad about that?" He asked, "Well of course not, it's totally not like you promised to be there and then not show up even though it meant the world to me and it was the semi-finals." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, "Whatever." He said continuing to eat his breakfast. Once we finished eating, dad drove us to school.
Once we got there I went straight to my locker and grabbed my books, I finished my drink and threw it away in the nearest trashcan, "So your not gonna talk to us this morning?" Jordan asked, "Jonathan, Natalie please tell Sarah to stay the hell away from me before I severely hurt her. Like really bad." I said, they nodded. "Please, just talk to me!" Jordan said with pity, "look Jordan, I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed, you broke your promise. You haven't broken a promise since the day I was born. Just don't bother to show up at my next game, because I don't care anymore. Leave me alone!" I said walking to class.
Once history was over I walked to the cafeteria, When I got in there I grabbed a tray and bought an apple juice, Turkey sandwich and an orange. I sat down at my normal table next to Natalie as Jonathan and Sarah sat next to Jordan. "Why is SHE here?!" I asked pointing towards Sarah, "Because she's my girlfriend." Jordan said. I ate what I wanted of my food and threw the rest away, I got up and walked to my final class.
Once the final bell rang I went to my dad's truck. When we got home I went upstairs to my room and Called My dad's cousin Kara Danvers. "Hey Kara." I sighed, "Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" Kara asked, then I started explaining. After an hour of talking with Kara we said goodbye and I hung up, Then there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I placed my phone down and saw Jonathan. "Hey." He said sitting on my bed. "What's up Jonathan?" I asked, "When's your next game?" He asked. "Tomorrow, it's our Championship game." He nodded, "okay, I'll be there." He said, "okay, just don't let Jordan come and especially don't let Sarah come. I swear they need to break up." He laughed and left my room.

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