4. "You skipped class?!"

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I woke up to screaming, so I turned off my radio and walked out of my room and into the kitchen where an over pissed mom and dad were, yelling at Jonathan, Jordan and Natalie. "What were you thinking?! You should have gone after her!" Mom yelled, "we would've but Sarah stopped us." Jonathan said, "I don't care! You should have just went after her!" Mom yelled again. "Especially you Natalie, your her twin!" Dad yelled. "I don't care! It shouldn't be MY responsibility to look after her! That's your job!" Natalie yelled back. That's when Jonathan noticed me, "there's the woman of the hour!" He said with a hint of pissed in his voice. "Sit down now!" Dad yelled, I sat down next to Jordan who held my hand underneath the table, "You skipped class?!" Mom yelled, "Yes! I did! Now for the last time! Stop yelling at Jonathan and Natalie! Yell at me, they aren't responsible for what I did! So stop saying it's their fault!" I yelled. Jordan squeezed my hand to make me shut up. "Excuse me?!" Mom yelled, "You don't yell at us again!" Dad said, "your grounded young lady! Now all of you go to your rooms!" Mom yelled pointing upstairs.  Jonathan and Natalie were the first upstairs then me and Jordan. "Hey guys, I'm sorry that I got you all in trouble." I said as I leaned on my door frame, "you should be sorry! Now because of you, we are all grounded! Meaning I can't hang out with my football friends!" Jonathan yelled, "Your so fucked up in the head that mom and dad expect me to be attached to your hip! Always there to make sure you safe and out of trouble! Go get help! Go fix that mistake mind of yours!" Natalie yelled. I was crying now, "oh don't cry like your the victim." Natalie said. Her and Jonathan went to their rooms slamming their doors shut and locking them. "Hey, it's okay. Don't listen to what they say, they didn't mean it. They're just upset and being assholes. They'll come around, trust me." Jordan said hugging me. "I love you Jordy. So much." I cried into his neck, "I love you too LuLu. Now, head to your room, I'll see you at dinner." He kisses my head and walked into his room and shut the door. I shut my door and I started crying.

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