12. "Where am I?"

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I felt something cold going in my nose and I heard faint voices from beside me. "I'm worried about her Clark." It sounds like mom. "Lois she's going to be okay, she'll wake up I can feel it." Dad said, I felt a familiar hand touch mine as something wet hit my hand. "Luna, if you can hear me. Please wake up, I need you and Jordan's on his way home. Jonathan is staying in National City for another day, then he's coming home. Please don't leave me, hang on for us. I don't want to lose my twin, please don't go. Not yet at least." Natalie said as her hand rested on mine. The thought of Jordan being here made me flutter my eyes open and look at Natalie, "Mom! Dad! She's awake!" Natalie exclaimed happily. "Oh my goodness, thank God." Mom said as she sat down next to me on the bed. "How do you feel Luna?" Dad asked, "I feel okay. Where am I?" I asked, mom sighed. "Your in the hospital darling." She said as she rubbed my leg. There was a knock on the door and dad smiled, probably because he saw who was on the otherside. "Come in!" Natalie called, and Jordan walked in. "Jordan!" I said happily as I sat up slowly, "Hey LuLu, how you doing?" He asked as we hugged then he got into the bed beside me as he put his arm around me. "I'm okay now that your here. But I do wish Jonathan was here as well." I said as he laughed, "who said he isn't?" As he said that Jonathan walked into the room and smiled, "Jonny! I thought you wouldn't come until tomorrow?" I said as he ruffled my hair. "I changed my mind and came with Jordan." He said as he sat by dad. "I'm glad." I smiled, "when do I get to go home?" I asked mom. "Tomorrow." She said. "Thank God!" I said happily.

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