18. "Welcome to Gotham!"

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Once Jordan and I awoke from our state of sleep, Jonathan had a huge grin upon his face. "Welcome to Gotham!" He shouted with joy. "Okay, Jonny I know your excited. So am I, especially to stay at Wayne Manor with Bruce Wayne and all his mary band of friends. And his criminal allies such as Harley quinn, Jeremiah Valeska aka the Joker, Poison Ivy and Oswald Cobblepot. But I don't need your excitement right now, especially after I have just woken up to your reckless driving. If you crash my beautiful Camaro I will have your ass Jonathan." I said as I leaned back, "I won't crash, I promise." He said. Once we arrived at Wayne Manor, Bruce and Alfred helped us carry our bags inside. "Thanks again for letting us stay here with you Bruce." I said, "honestly it's no problem Luna. My Manor is your Manor." He said as he walked outside to his garden. Alfred then showed us to the guest room where there were 4 twin sized beds. "Thank you Alfred." Jonathan said, "No problem Sir. If you need anything just give me a call." He said as he walked downstairs. We lounged around the room until there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Hiya Pumpkins!" Harley quinn exclaimed happily as she leaned against the door frame. "Hey Harley." Jordan said not look up from his phone.

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