20. "thank God we're home."

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The 4 of us were in my Camaro and we were heading back to Smallville. We were currently in Indiana and an hour away from Kansas. "Damn, I'm low on gas again. I'm pulling into the gasstaion up ahead." I said as we rounded a corner and I pulled into the gasstaion. I got out of the Camaro and went to grab the gas pump but I was stopped by some drunk guy grabbing my hand. "Hey buddy get off me jackass!" I said, "I'm taking your car." He slured, "the hell you are!" I shouted as I slammed his head into the gas machine. I hurriedly put gas in my car then ran inside and paid the cashier before running back to my car and speeding off. "You good?" Nat asked, "yeah. He didn't do much damage." I said as I breathed heavily. We continued to drive and when I finally stopped the car I got out so fast and grabbed my bag. "Thank god were home!" I exclaimed happily and I walked inside. "Hey Luna." Dad said, "How was Gotham?" Mom asked. Jordan came inside and looked at me before answering mom. "Something emotional happened." He said as we headed upstairs. After a few hours I went outside and saw Jonathan and his girlfriend Courtney making out in a tree. "Disgusting." I mumbled as I walked to my Camaro and drive to Sarah's house. When I got there I got out of my Camaro and started spray painting her dad's truck, her house and the sidewalk. I then started throwing eggs and toilet paper, I then put shaving cream on the car. I then wrote in spray paint, 'stay away from my family! You bitches!' I then got back into my Camaro and went back home. Once I got back Jonathan was still up in the tree with Courtney and I went inside and upstairs to Jordan's room. "Where'd you go?" He asked, "To Sarah's house, I spray painted Kyle's truck, Sarah's house, and I threw toilet paper and put shaving cream everywhere." I said as I sat down next to him and we watched TV.

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