21. "So this is what the end of summer feels like."

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Mom called us down to the living room and we sat down. "So as you all know, with the boys' birthday in a week it's time to start getting ready for school, the day after the boys' birthday is when school starts back again. As you know Luna and Natalie are going into junior year while the boys start their senior year." Mom said, "Okay, to be honest I'm not ready to see that school again." Natalie said, "I'm not ready to see Sarah again." Jordan said. "So this is what the end of summer feels like." Jonathan and I said in unison. "We can manage. I'm definitely wondering if Courtney will be in any of my classes." Jonathan said, "I know Sarah won't have classes with me because if she does then she'll transfer." I said with a slight smirk. "What did you do?" Dad asked, "oh nothing." I said as I walked upstairs. "Jordan, what did your sister do?" Dad asked Jordan as I waited at the top of the stairs. "She did absolutely nothing." Jordan said as he rushed upstairs and we went to his room. "Liars!" Natalie giggled. "You can't hide the truth forever!" Mom laughed. As the day continues Jordan and I played video games, Jonathan and I played cards and Natalie and I painted. I was currently helping mom cook dinner, "So I've been seeing you distance yourself from Jordan alot this summer. Is everything okay?" Mom asked, "Well, I'm trying to get over my fear of being separated from Jordan to die down and I'm trying to get my separation anxiety level to decrease." I said, "Oh, okay just don't get to caught up in this mess Luna." Mom said as we placed dinner on the table. After everyone came down, I sat next to Jonathan. "Okay so your now clinging to Jonathan?" Mom asked, "No, I'm just trying to do what I can with my separation anxiety." I said as I started eating my steak and mashed potatoes. As dinner went on, we laughed and joked. Natalie helped mom with the dishes, Jonathan and Jordan went to the barn to chop some wood and dad and I fixed up his truck.

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