8. "I forgive you Jordy."

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It's game day! Again.... I got up and went down to the kitchen as usual and sat down and started eating, " woah, slow down before you choke." Mom said placing a hand on my shoulder, "Sorry mom but I got to eat up, get to school, suffer through the classes and then I can go to practice, and my game." I said. She laughed at my crazy antics. "I've never seen you this excited about a game before." Jonathan said as he fixed his hair, "and I've never seen you this excited about your looks." I laughed. He rolled his eyes, "but seriously! It's the championship game! How can someone not be excited?" Natalie laughed, "well I'll be cheering for you all the way." I smiled.
Once we finished eating dad took us to school and Jordan branched off from us and started walking away with Sarah. "20 bucks says they break up before lunch." Jonathan said leaning against his locker, "no way! 20 bucks says they break up after the final bell." Natalie said closing her locker and slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "I'll bet the both of you, that they'll break up during free period." They nodded. The bell rang and we split off to our first class.
Once the bell rang I headed to my locker to switch out my science books for my history books. I started walking to 2nd period when I spotted Jordan and Sarah arguing. The argument seems pretty tense, Natalie and I might owe Jonathan 20 dollars. "Damnit, I wanted Jonathan to lose." Natalie said as we walked into class together, "Yeah me too. I hate when he wins because he never shuts up about it." Natalie and I laughed as the late bell rang. Sarah came into class and sat in the back row. "Shit, their fight must of been really harsh for her to sit in the back." Natalie whispered to me, I nodded. Class went on as usual and then the bell for lunch rang. Natalie and I walked into the cafeteria where we saw Jordan looking kinda upset and Jonathan smirking our way. "Ugh! I wanna punch that smirk right off his face." I said as I paid for my salad, water and apple. "I know right." Natalie and I sat down at the table and soon Sarah joined us. "So.. we saw the argument early, is everything ok?" Natalie asked trying to hide her smile. "Sorta." Sarah sighed. Jonathan looked our way for a second before he asked, "so you guys didn't break up?" Jordan sighed, "We did but she's sitting here for one more day before she goes to sit with the cheerleaders." I bit my lip trying to contain my laughter,  "Damnit!" Natalie and I said in unison as Jonathan held his hand out, waiting for our money. "Pay up you two." The two of us sighed before reaching into our bags and giving Jonathan 20 bucks each. "Thanks for doing business ladies." Jonathan laughed, "Fuck off jerk." I shoved Jonathan a little as he started attacking me back. Natalie was videoing our behavior and sent the video to mom. "You two are idioticly stupid." She said as she finished up her food and left the cafeteria to start her free period.
I finished up my food and before I left, I looked at the boys, "Don't forget Jonny, tonight at 7:30 and don't be late. I'm not late to your football games. Love you Jonny!" I said as I left the cafeteria and headed to study hall to do homework.
After the final bell I went to the locker room and then out to the field. Then starting practice with the girls.
After practice we stretched and people started showing up, Jonathan, Mom and dad were in the first row in the bleachers. Natalie was on the track courtside and stretching preparing to cheer, Sarah was in the back row closest to the bleachers doing the same. "Kent! Let's set up the rows." Coach said, "okay coach. Numbers 0-10, you guys are 1st row! 11-20 y'all are gonna be 2nd row! And lastly 21-30 are 3rd row! Now let's get our 1st row up to the field!" I said as the girls 0-10 got in our position. "Let's go Crows! Let's go!" Natalie cheered, I smiled as the game started.
In the 2nd quarter I scored the last goal for the first half. I jogged over to the bench and drank some water. "Hey L.K, look who's in the bleachers." My friend Marley said pointing to the bleachers, I looked up and saw... Jordan?! I ran over to the bleachers and ran up to the first row and tackled him in a hug, "You came! You came! You actually came!" I exclaimed happily. "Yeah, look I'm sorry about not coming to the semi-finals." Jordan apologized, "I forgive you Jordy." I kissed his cheek as I ruffled his hair. "Kent! Showtime! Let's go!" Coach yelled. I fist bumped Jordan as I left the bleachers and got back out to the field.

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