6. "he didn't show.."

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As I was walking around I came across the bleachers. I looked around and saw my parents, Jonathan and Natalie but no Sarah or Jordan. "Kent! Let's go! Your playing forward!" Coach said. I nodded and got into position.

It's in 2nd quarter and we are up by 4, the score is 16/12 and Jordan is still not here. Where is he? He promised to be here. I had the ball and I was dodging through Players left and right and I swung my leg back and kicked as hard as I could and the ball went in leaving a small rip in the net. 17/12 now. The ref called half time and I ran to the bench, grabbed my water and took a few sips and checked my phone. No messages from Jordan or Sarah, I ran up to the bleachers and yelled for my parents, "mom! Dad! Have you guys seen Jordan or Sarah?" Mom sighed, "No, we haven't." Dad nodded agreeing to what mom said. "Jonathan, Natalie what about you guys?" I asked again, "Nope, haven't seen Jordan since football practice, sorry." Jonathan said, "I haven't seen Sarah since cheer practice." Natalie said. "Kent get over here! We're running plays!" Coach said. I ran over to my team and we ran over plays. The ref called the 2nd half of the game and we started playing. When there was 10 seconds left on the clock I scored the game winning goal. After the team meeting, I ran up to my family. "Hey be happy, you won!" Dad exclaimed happily, "yeah but Jordan promised me he would be here. He didn't show" I said leaning into dad silently crying. I felt him pick me up and carry me to the car.
Once we got home Jordan and Sarah were there laughing and watching movies. "Jordan!" Dad yelled, Jordan's head snapped up in our direction, "Dad.." Jordan said in shock, "Hey Jordan! Hey Sarah! Thanks for showing up at my game! I had a good time! And we won by me scoring!" I yelled acting happy, "LuLu I'm so sorry, I totally forgot." Jordan said, "YOU PROMISED ME JORDAN! YOU PROMISED! YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WOULDN'T LET SARAH TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME BUT YOU LIED! YOU SAID THAT YOU WOULDN'T MISS MY GAME BUT YOU LIED! I CAN'T TRUST YOU ANYMORE! WHAT HAPPENED TO SIBLINGS BY CHANCE FRIENDS BY CHOICE! YOU STUPID IGNORANT ASSHOLE! YOU DESERVE NOTHING! GO TO HELL JORDAN!" I was beyond pissed. Everyone in the room knew it. "So your blaming me for Jordan not being there?" Sarah asked, "you said you'd come too Sarah! But guess what, you lied about that too just like you lied about your depression, attempting suicide and being on birth control!" I yelled in her face, then I did the impossible. I slapped her. Then I felt two strong arms wrap around me and pulled me back. It was my dad. "Stay away from me Luna Kent!" Sarah screamed and stormed out the door, "why would you do that?! She just became my girlfriend!" Jordan yelled. "Go to hell!" I yelled rushing upstairs ignoring the calls from my parents and Natalie as Jonathan was yelling at Jordan. I went into my room and slammed my door locking it and playing my radio as 'peter pan was right' came on. I picked up an old picture of me and Jordan from when we younger and started crying.

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