16. "I hate Prom."

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I was walking around town with Jonathan, Jordan and Natalie because it was the weekend and we had nothing better to do. "Hey why don't we get a bite to eat? I'm starved." I said as we walked into a diner. We then sat at a table and looked over the menu, "Hi what can I get for you all today?" A waitress asked, "um I'll get a cheddar lettuce wrap with a coke." Jonathan said as he handed his menu to the waitress, "alright, and for you." She asked looking at Jordan. "A beef and swiss potato bowl with a water." He then handed off his menu, "Alrighty, and for you ladies?" She said looking at Nat and I. "I'll take you Italian herb and cheese chicken cascadia with a Pepsi." She said then the waitress looked at me. "I'll have the same thing but with a lemonade." I said as the waitress took our menu's, "Alright, that will be out in just a minute darling's." She then walked away, "Luna, can I ask you something?" Jonathan asked, "you just did." I laughed. "Haha, funny. What I wanted to ask was what are you wearing to prom?" He looked me in the eye as if to say he was curious. "Oh um..I'm not going to prom." I said fiddling with my hand, "Why? Prom is limited." Natalie said, "I don't have a date for one. Two it's weird going with your brother, three I don't like being away from Jordan. You all know this, since Jordan doesn't have a date, and I don't have a date. We're missing out on prom. But you go have your fun Jon, with Courtney Reynolds." I said, "Luna, I'll find you a date. Please go to prom." Natalie begged, "no! End of discussion Nat! I hate prom." Once I said that a guy walked up to our table. "I'm max, I overheard you say that you hate prom, maybe I can change your mind." This max guy said with a wink. "Yeah no thanks I'm not interested plus I don't like you." I said. Then the waitress came and gave us our food.

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