13. "I don't wanna leave your arms."

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It's been a few days since I got out of the hospital and lately I've been clinging onto Jonathan and Jordan most, sometimes Natalie and other times Mom and Dad. Currently I'm in the kitchen making a fruit bowl and I'm chopping up some pineapple. "Be careful with that knife Lu." Natalie said as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. "I am. Calm down Nat." I said placing the cut up pineapple in the bowl, "you have shaking hands Luna! Let me do it!" Natalie yelled rushing over to take the knife from my hands, "No! I go-" I cut myself off because the knife slit my hand. "Ah! Luna I'm so sorry!" She apologized, since mom and dad were at work it was only us four at the house. "Jonathan! Come quick! Luna cut her hand!" Natalie yelled upstairs then there were footsteps rushing down stairs. "Luna! Luna are you okay?!" Jonathan grabbed my hand and ran it under water, "ah! Ah! Jonathan that hurts!" I hissed as the water stung my bleeding hand. "Jordan! Get the first aid kit now!" Jonathan yelled, then Jordan came down with the first aid kit. "Ok, you'll need stitches." Jordan said, I looked at him petrified, "What?! N-no, I'm o-okay." I stuttered, "Luna, that cut is deep, we're not like dad. We don't have super healing." Jordan said as he heated up the stitch needle with his heat vision, "Now, Jonathan is going to do this because his hands aren't shaky like mine are. Natalie is going to hold your arm still while you freeze the cut after Jonathan stitches your hand together." Jordan walked over to me and grabbed my good hand while Nat held my arm on the table and Jonathan got ready to stitch, "You can squeeze Jordan's hand as hard as you want. Are you ready?" Jonathan asked. "Not really." I whimpered, "You'll be fine, now let's get started." Natalie said as she applied a small amount of pressure to my arm, Jonathan then started to push the needle through my skin, "Ow!" I cried while I squeezed Jordan's hand. "I know it hurts Luna, it's okay." Natalie whispered into my ear, after Jonathan pulled the needle through the first section of the cut then worked on the 2nd section. "Ow! Oh my God! Please stop!" I screamed, I had tears ran down my cheeks, I squeezed Jordan's hand a little bit harder as I buried my head in Jordan's shoulder. "It's okay, I'm almost done. Just one more section of the cut to sew up." Jonathan said as he pushed the needle through the 3rd section of my hand. I wanted to scream in pain but my voice got caught up in my throat, "And...done." Jonathan then snipped off the remaining thread, I placed my hand in front of my face and inhaled deeply. I then exhaled sharply and iced my now stitched hand, Natalie then grabbed my hand and wrapped medical tape over the stitches.
About two hours after stitching my hand and Natalie went to Sarah's house, Jonathan went to the store and Jordan and I volunteered to stay home. We were currently watching a movie and snuggled up on the couch, "I don't wanna leave your arms." I said as I buried my head deeper into Jordan's shoulder, "And you don't have to. As long as you don't squeeze me to hard, you almost broke my hand." He laughed, "Sorry, Jonathan doesn't go easy when it comes to stitches." I said as the front door opened, "Jon is that you?!" Jordan asked. "No it's Mom." Mom laughed walking into the living room, "I'm assuming that Jonathan went to the store." She asked, "Yup." I said as I turned off the TV. "Where's Natalie?" She asked walking towards the kitchen, "She went to Sarah's house for a little while." Jordan said while shifting a little bit. "I saw that bandage on your hand Luna, what happened?" She walked back into the room with a bottle of water in her hand, "I was trying to make a fruit bowl but Nat was worried about my shaking hands so she tried grabbing the knife from my hands but accidentally slit my hand with the sharp side and Jonathan had to stitch up my hand." I explained, she nodded.
After a few hours Natalie came home with a black eye and explained how her and Sarah aren't friends anymore and that Sarah punched her, Dad came home a few minutes after Nat came home and Jonathan came back with about 7 bags full of stuff. I stayed wrapped up in a blanket with Jordan until the concoction that Jonathan made was placed on the dinner table.

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