22. "Welcome back to crowsville USA."

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I got up to Jordan shaking me awake. "Leave me the fuck alone or so help me God I will shot yo ass Jordan Kamryn Kent." I mumble, "breakfast is downstairs get ready small child." He laughed and walked out. I got up took a shower, did my makeup and my hair then got dressed.

I went downstairs and sat down

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I went downstairs and sat down. "Goodmorning Luna." Jonathan said, "I hate today and Tomorrow and the next day after that. I hate this new school year." I sighed as Natalie handed me her coffee, "You need this more than me." She smiled as I took a sip. "Thank you so much sissy." I sighed as I ate breakfast.

When we got to school I went to my locker and my new schedule was on the door. "Omg yes!" I smiled as I looked over the schedule, "what?" Jonathan asked, "I have Math and Civics with Jonathan, Language Arts and 3rd Art with Nat and lastly I have Gym and Life science with Jordan." I smiled, "and no Sarah!" I cheered. Jordan, Jonathan and Natalie looked at their schedules and Jonathan frowned, "What is it Jon?" Jordy asked, "I have gym with Sarah and I have math with her. The only good thing about my schedule other than my classes with Luna is that I have Life science with Courtney." He sighed, "I have all classes with Courtney, besides the ones with my bestie forever." Nat smiled as she put her arm around me. "I have classes alone besides with Lu." Jordan said. "Hey guys!" Courtney said, "Sup cutie." Jonathan said as he kissed her, "ew. Where's a barf bag when you need one?" I joked. Jon gave me the death glare and I shut up. The bell rang and I walked to my first class with Jonathan, We suffered through Civics then I went to Life Science with Jordan. When lunch came around I paid for my lunch which consists of a Turkey sandwich, a small salad and an orange juice. I sat down next to Cortney as someone walked behind me when they were they spilled their milk on me. I shot up and looked who it was. Sarah Cushing. "Oh did Kent get soaked in milk? Haha! This is what you get for being a little hoe." She teased, I felt my fists ball up and the next thing I knew she was on the ground her lunch all over her and her jaw was broken. "Oh I'm sorry, did the slut cheerleader say something? Oh that's right you can't because I broke your jaw!" I said as I kicked her in the stomach, she groaned in pain and I walked out of the cafeteria and went to the library. "Welcome back to crowsville USA." Jonathan muttered.

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