9. "There's always next season."

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We lost the championship but hey, there's always next year. We got back home and I took a quick shower before I headed outside and sat on the porch. 10 minutes later I heard the door open and I turned to see Jonathan and Jordan walking out. "Hey Lu..." Jonathan said as the both of them sat beside me. "Hey, is everything okay?" I asked, "Um no... Jordan and I have to go away for a few weeks." Jonathan said looking at me, "What?! To where?! Why?!" I asked panicking. "Calm down LuLu, we are going to visit some of our friends in National City." Jordan placed a hand on my shoulder, "No! You can't go! I won't let you!" I clung to Jordan. He sighed, "Natalie!" Jonathan yelled. She rushed out of the house and started to pull me away from Jordan, "No! Stop it! You can't leave me! Please! NO!" I yelled, mom was watching from the window and dad came out to help Natalie because she was struggling. "No! Jonny! Jordy! You promised you wouldn't leave me!" I tried struggling against daddy but he was too strong, "Stop it! Stop. Just stop and take a breath." Dad said trying to calm me down. "No!" I elbowed him in the arm making him release his grip and I sped out to the fields. I could hear them screaming and I heard daddy running to catch me but I ran faster and I ended up in Central City. I knew Kara had friends here so I called her and asked who they were. "Hey Kara, um quick question who are your friends in central City?" I asked as she picked up. "Um my friend Barry Allen and Iris West Allen and you'll find them at star Labs." She said, "ok thanks." I hung up and sped away to star Labs. When I got there I found my way to the Cortex, "Barry? Iris?" I asked as I found my way into the room. "Hey Luna, what are you doing here? Where's Clark or lois?" Iris asked, "back in Smallville. Can I stay here with you guys for a few days?" I asked Barry, "um yeah I guess." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks Barry!" I say jumping up and down then hugging him.
After we got to the West Allen Loft Barry got a video call from my dad. Shit!
"Hey Clark! What's up?" Barry said as he put his phone down leaning on the counter. "Where's my daughter Barry?" Dad asked, "She's here at the loft, in the living room with iris." Barry replied. My dad sighed, "okay well tell her to come home. Jordan and Jonathan wanna talk to her." Barry nodded and hung up. "I'm not going back Barry." I said as he walked back into the room. "Well then, I'm sorry." I looked at him confused, "Sorry for wh-" I was about to finish my sentence but I went unconscious.

Iris stabbed a needle in Luna's neck and I picked her up. I sped to Smallville and to the Kent farm. Clark was waiting for me, "what happened?" He asked. "She didn't want to come back so iris knocked her out with a sleep medication." I said and he nodded. He took Luna from my arms and I ran back to central City.

Once I got inside, I took Luna upstairs and to her room where the boys were waiting for her. I placed her down and walked out.

After dad left I snuggled up to Luna like she used to when we were kids. "We'll wait here until she wakes up so we can talk to her." I said and Jonathan nodded in agreement.

How do you guys like me adding other characters pov's? If u want to see more of it plz comment yes and who you want to see the pov of more. Thx❤

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