Rose By Any Other Name

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Urishihara's POV throughout this chapter.

I smiled softly as (Y/N) slept in bed beside me. I kissed her head before scribbling down a note saying I'll be out for the day.

The sun beat down on me as I walked through the city before grinning and walking into another baby shop. While looking around I saw something I was certain (Y/N) would love. I bought the item before grinning cheekily, walking the streets and window shopping for both my wife and child, (which I still strongly believe will be a girl but I'll let (Y/N) keep on doubting me for now). 

It was nearly dark before I got to the flower booth in the city. I bought a bouquet and blushed softly when the owner started teasing me about how awkward I looked when trying to pick out the right one.

When I walked through the door of our house, I saw (Y/N) crying while watching Marley and Me. "Sweetie you know what that movie does to you." I set everything down on the table, sitting beside my wife and gently putting her on my lap. 

"I bought you flowers... I didn't know what you would've liked so I just got you the usual roses." My hands travel to her stomach, rubbing gently before I felt a kick. "(Y/N)! The baby just kicked!" I grin and hug (Y/N) a little tighter than I should've, making her squeak in slight pain.

She grins just as wide as I do and she motions for me to talk to the baby to see if it'll kick my hand again. 

"Hi 'lil one. Can you kick daddy's hand again?" A small kick comes in response and I can see the happiness radiate from the love of my life and the mother of my child. 

After a long while of me simply talking, (Y/N) fell asleep in my arms and I carried her back to bed. I tucked her in before setting up the baby's room with everything I've bought over the past few months. 

I smiled at the roses, putting them in a vase. "Rose would be a cute name for a girl."

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