Running Away

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For the next few days you couldn't find Urishihara anywhere. You checked his house, had Maou and Ashiya keep look out at their place, and Emi would watch out for him in town. No one could find him. 

You began to worry as you paced in your living room. "Did something bad happen to him? I don't know what I'd do if I found out he was hurt... I really hope he's alright." You walk to your room and lay in your bed, starting to cry softly. 

A soft tapping came from your window and you get up, walking to it. You wipe your eyes as you peek out, seeing Urishihara crouched down in your small backyard. "Urishihara?! Are you alright?" You open your window allowing him to climb through. 

He looks at you in a panic "Good I don't think I was followed..."

"Followed by who?' You look at him with a worried look "Okay so remember those fireworks I set off for your birthday? Well the guy who owed me is extremely dangerous and wants to kill me. He keeps trying to make a deal with me so I can get back into Heaven." 

"Do you want to go back to Heaven?" You stroke his hair softly as he shakes his head "No. I want to stay here on Earth with you" He frowns earning a smile from you. "I could go to Heaven with you... But if you're determined on staying here with me I wouldn't mind a bit." You smile and kiss his head softly 

"But the guy after me, Olba, he'll search for me... I don't want him to turn me into a monster." He sighs sadly "He won't. You'll never be a monster in my eyes" He smiles at you and places a gentle kiss on your lips. You happily return. 

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