Three Little Words

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Four days later on Friday you started to worry because Urishihara wasn't answering any of your calls or texts.

Maou saw you worried as you stood behind the cash register at MgRonald's "(Y/N) what's wrong? Did Urishihara do something to you?" he walked over to you

"No he didn't. Do you know why he hasn't been answering me?" you look at him sadly and he shook his head "No. I'll find out for you though" he pats your head and goes back to work

Later that evening you were walking home when a group of men pulled you into an alley. You thrashed and kicked trying to get free but you weren't strong enough.

Before anything could happen to you, you saw a pair of black wings fly over head then down into the alley where you were. Next thing you know the men were either dead or unconscious, you couldn't tell.

You backed up slowly in fear then the black winged figure stepped into the light so you could see it's face "Urishihara?!" you threw your arms around him tightly

"Are you alright?" he looks worried as he rubs your back soothingly "they didn't do anything to you did they?"

You shook your head "No they didn't. You saved me before they could. why do you have wings?" You look up shyly incase you might've offended him by asking

"Well how should I put this... I'm a fallen angel. Meaning I was kicked out of heaven. I became Satan's, or Maou as he's called here, general. General Lucifer. That's my real name"

"Wait Satan is shift manager?!" Urishihara raises an eyebrow "that's what you got out of that?"

"Well no... but I'm still trying to understand the rest. You lied about who and what you are... did you lie about your feelings for me to?" You look up sadly causing him to hug you tightly

"Of course not. I love you"

Lucifer x Reader            The Devil Is A Part-TimerWhere stories live. Discover now