Poor Ashiya

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Ashiya's eye twitches as little Rose starts crying in his arms. "Why is it your child is fine with Maou and Emi but she screams and cries when I pick her up?"

Maou chuckles and takes the baby back, smirking at his boyfriend when Rose calms down immediately. "Hmm maybe it's just you're unnaturally tall and she feels like she's going to be eaten. Or she just hates you."

After hot-potatoing Rose around, you finally get her back after she fell asleep. "Aww our little girl's tired out." You laugh softly and put her back in the cradle, covering her up and returning to your friends.

"Any idea on how she'll age? Since she's part angel-devil thing." Emi plops down on the couch and looks up at you curiously.

"No idea. We'll just have to wait and see how she grows." Urishihara smiles and holds around your waist happily. "Either way we'll love her all the same, won't we?"

You nod and snuggle back into his chest. "Mhmm. Urishihara will still beat up any boy who tries to talk to his little girl." A soft smile crosses your lips and you move so the two of you can sit of the couch with Emi.

"Ashiya~ go make me some food~." Maou snuggles into Ashiya's arms, Ashiya rolling his eyes while smiling.

"To do so I would have to set you down." He kisses the top of Maou's head gently. "Not if i lounge on your back." Maou smirks and crawls to Ashiya's back, hugging around his neck.

After a brief snacking montage, the group leaves, leaving you and Urishihara at home with a sleeping baby.

"Hey Urishihara... How do you think Rose will age? I hope she'll live long like you... I don't want to outlive my daughter..."

Urishihara frowns slightly and hugs you tighter to him. "How do you think I feel knowing I'll outlive the both of you?" He sighs sadly before smiling. "Tomorrow do you want to go to the city? We can have Maou watch Rose if you want."

You nod and smile happily at him. "I don't remember the last time we went to shop together." You close you eyes and nuzzle into his shoulder. "We should sleep here tonight. I'm comfy and I don't want to move for the rest of the night."

He chuckles and nods, hugging you closer and burying his neck into your shoulder. "I'll take baby duty tonight if you want me to."

"Okay..." You yawn and lay back against Urishihara, slowly falling asleep.

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