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[requested] & [edited?]

F/f = favorite flower

they confess to you | |


"These are for, Akashi-kun. Go give them to him," Your friend says shoving a stack of papers into your arms.

You left the class and went a few doors down to Akashi's room. There Akashi sat on his chair watching you with mesmerizing eyes. You put the huge stack of papers on his desk. 

"This is from (Friend name), our teacher wants you to check them," you say.

"Ah, I'll be going-"

"Come here," He said.

You walked up next to him watching the red scissors in his hand carefully.

"You like me don't you?" He said straight forward with a smirk across his face.

"Eh!" You cried as a blush appeared at you cheeks. "W-what make you say that?"

Akashi rested his side of this face on his palm, elbow on the table. He could see right through you.

"I'm always right," He said. "And now I also now I am the only one who can do this."

He grabbing your chin and smashed his lips on your, roughly kissing you. You both parted for breath and looking right into your eyes with a smirk he said:

"Your mine now."


"AAAHHHHH KISE IS HERE!" Fan girls squeal as they ran towards the gym holding posters and gifts hoping Kise would suddenly fall for one of them.

The fans were annoying you. This has been the 93rd time they did this, but who's counting?

Every girl in the school loves Kise mostly for his looks, you've been his best friend before his career and you also have a crush on him, but each day as fan girls crowd around him it breaks you down little by little. Theses days you barely see him or even talk to him but still you've just got to love him.

You made your way to the gym and stomped through the crowd of girls to Kise. You stabbed a finger in his chest and said. "This is kinda getting old buddy so please call off your crowd of lunatics, this is a school not a concert."

Kise leaned down to you face and smiled making you feel a bit weak in the knees. 

"Cheer up (y/n)cchi, ne? Come on we can go eat after school and talk."

Kise then whispered quietly. "We can call it a date." 

He gave you a wink, you blushed and punched him playfully.

"Fine, but don't do that," you murmurer.



"Oi, (y/n)-chan!" Kagami called as he walked towards you. "Kuroko wants to talk to you. Meet him in the gym." He had a weird, happy grin on his face, kinda creepy.

You walked out of school and into the gym curious about what was going on. You found this as an opportunity to confess your feelings to him.

You opened the gym doors but the lights were off and you couldn't see a thing, you flipped on the switch and your eyes widened in shock at what you saw.

The basketball team stood in front of you with signs saying: will you be my girlfriend (First name)? Kuroko walked towards you with (F/F) in his hand.

"Will you be my girlfriend? I will always love you," He said handing you the flowers with a small smile on his face making him look even more adorable.

You recovered from the shock and gave him a huge hug, taking the flowers from him.


"Go Kuroko!!!!" The coach yelled.

Kuroko gave you a small butterfly kiss on your lips shyly.


"Momoi-san, where are we going?!" You yelled as you were being pulled to the roof top by your best friend.

"Dai-chan, you have to say it or your training menu is doubled!" She yelled slamming the door open.

The team was there holding down an embarrassment Aomine. When he saw you he froze and he turned his face away with a small blush on his face.

"Aomine wants to say something," Momoi said leaving with the team, you and Aomine were on the roof alone.

"So what did you want to say?" You asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Uh, I-I like you," Aomine said scratching his neck.

Your face face soon was tainted red. "I like you too, Aomine." You walked over to him and pecked him on the lips.

"Aomine, you tripled you training menu!" Momoi's voice yelled.

"Oi?! I said it!" He yelled recovering from the kiss. "Come on!"


"Hi Midorima-kun, Takao-kun!" You said as you walked up to them.

"Hi (y/n)!" Takao called as Midorima had a blush in his face. "Midorima has something to say!" He sang leaving.

Midorima pushed his glasses up to hide his blush. "I-I."

"Yeah?" You said.

"Uh, I-I, no," He said. "W-wi-"

"I like you to, Shin-chan," You said hugging him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I never said that!" He said looking more like a blushing tomato then a carrot.


"(y/n)-chin," Your crushes lazy voice rang in you ears. "Want a candy?"

"Uh, sure?" You said and suddenly something popped up into your mind. "Um, Murasakibara-kun why do you only give me candy and not anyone else like Himuro-kun?"

"Because your my one and only," He said reading the back of a valentines box of candy hearts. "Himuro-chin, I don't get this."

You sweat drop as Himuro came out of his hiding place.

"You did it wrong Atsushi!" He scold. "Fine then I'll do it." He said making Murasakibara crush the candy box in his hand.

"No, (y/n)-chin is mine," Murasakibara said in a serious voice making you turn red. "(y/n) come on a candy date with me, here have a lollipop."

"I would love to Atsushi-kun." You laughed taking the candy.

Random or OC or stupid cut part...


After he whispered that the fan girls glared at you, but you face the fans and yelled. "I don't care what you think." Then you stuck your middle finger in the air and everyone, except you and Kise died.

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