Basketball Coach

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This is before you beat them in basketball.(the other chapter)



"No your stance is incorrect, (f/n)." Akashi said as he watched you from the side lines as you tried to shoot a basket.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." You said trying again but again Akashi said it was incorrect. "Oh yeah them come here and show me oh so mighty!"

Looking a bit irritated he walked towards you took the ball and shot it straight into the basket.

"Your turn."

"Show off." You mumbled as you caught the basketball.


"Yay go (f/n)!" Kise yelled from the benches.

"Kise am I even doing this right?" You asked.

You looked over at Kise to see him on his iPhone taking selfies. You stormed over to him and he finally looked up.

"H-hi." Kise stuttered.

"Are you really taking selfies," You began. "Without me?!"

You sat next to Kise took the phone and took selfies with him.


"Like this?" You took your stance from the half court with your lucky item next to you.

You shot the basket and it went in took the carrot's grasses from his supersede face and put them on you then pushed them up like he did.

"It went in." You said with a grin. "Yess!"

"H-hey give me them back to me!" Midorima yelled at you and tripped over his own shoe.

"Why I'm on a roll?" You shot another basket and turned around and mimicked Midorima again but this time it hit something else.

"Ow!" Takao yelled as he walked into the gym.

"Your glasses are bad luck Shin-chan."

"Give them back."


"Please!" You begged again for lesson from you boyfriend.

"No to much work." He said again.

"But then maybe I can beat you!" You said.

"Impossible the only one who can beat me is me."

"Come on."

"Will you be quiet and do everything K say?" He asked.


"Get me a hamburger."


The rest of the so called practice you were running, or what the ace said was exercise, to get the ace food and magazines.


"You know what to do?" Kuroko asked as you two practiced on the court nearby the house.


"Go!" He passed you the ball and you got into the right stance then thruster your arm out spinning. Your palm his the back making it go in a rotation, like a bullet. Then it flew.

It touched Kuroko's hair on the side. Then hit the basketball hoop trunk making it sway.

"Wow! Kuroko your passes are awesome if fells so great to pass it!" You yelled happily as you stared at your hand that hit the ball in a amazement.

"Good job, (f/n) but next time please make it go a different way." Kuroko said, you looked at him and saw his hair half of it was pushed back to make it look weird.



"Eat." Murasakibara said sticking a chocolate bar in your mouth.

You munched on it happily then your eyes started to form stars.

"I feel so pumped, lets do this!" You rushed onto defense on the other side of the quart then started to jump around, a lot.

"Hm. Did I give her too much sugar? Sugar rush?"

"Whoowahhh!" You yelled dribbling the basketball then tripping into the ground face first but came up still with a smile but a small nose bleed.

"No I didn't give her too much, come on (f/n)." Murasakibara said picking you up like a child and hung you on his back. "Your nose is bleeding."



It's almost Mother's Day and I haven't finished the scenario!!!! Anywho say happy Mother's Day to your mom! I didn't really get my mom anything //slap// blah. Hopefully I can get more scenario in before our next test(exam ect.) it's on math and I suck at that. Wish me luck!
Ps I think I spelled sorry(gomen)in Japanese wrong tell me what I did wrong!

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