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me: .................

ok soooooo the request i have r going out of order. i put them into the book unpublished add a title then go through them randomly so if its been a long time since i haven't done your sorry but it will be done! 

Now here's a little clip I found... PFFFFFFFFFFFF


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"You ready?" Akashi asked looking out from behind the red curtain.

He looked back at you. You were getting pumped up for the runway.

"Hell yeah! So ready! Woo!" You were too hype...

"Calm down-"

"Lets do this!" You dragged Akashi out by the arm talking him by surprise. He quickly fixed his posture and walked or rather was dragged by you down the walkway. 


Kise was doing great obviously. You on the other hand had a hard time keeping up with the so called 'expert'.

"Okay, now... Pose!" Kise directed under his breath to you. "Look into the camera and smile, no no honey don't force it. Natural. Keep it natural, that's a bit better, now you don't look like a messed up monkey."

You hit Kise on the arm with the back of your hand.

"I get it now." You smiled into a camera.

"Darling, your back with the messed up monkey face. Okay okay! Stop hitting me!"


"Why am I dressed in red again?" Midorima asked as his arm was linked to yours.

"Oh hush. You look fine, now come on it's our turn." You kissed him on the lips before walking out. His face was turning red.

You looked into the crowds and spotted the trustworthy Taco. "You look dashing to day." 

"T-thanks." Red.

"You know we can do something fun after this. We will win."

"How do you know we'll win? What is the definition of 'fun'?" You looked over, even more red.

"Well we will win because your my partner and you know what 'fun' means." You winked. RED!

A flash came from the direction of the Taco and you two looped around back to behind the curtain. Taco came running in.

"Got it!" He showed you the picture he took.

Midoima really looked like a tomato or radish. Face red, suit red, and hair green.


"Noooo, wait until the others see!"


Lets get this straight how will this guy mess up, oh wait.

"Look over here!" 

"No (F/n), over here!"

The photographers took pictures of you and Kuroko as you walked by. 

"Pose," Kuroko said at the end of the walkway.

You two looped around and got back to home base. A photographer rushed by by you quickly stopped him.

"Can I see the photos?" You asked.

"Sure, you look great by the way." The man showed you the pictures Kuroko was not seen in them. (Misdirection in a photo what, what!) "Wheres your partner though?"

Kuroko raised his hand. "Right here."



"Crap!" Aomine hissed tripping over his pants.

"Your making a fool of yourself," you warned.

"Eh," Aomine said brushing it aside. "Ah!"

He fell. He fell on his face.

You looked down at him and started walking again. "The show must go on!"


"Come on Sushi!" You pulled the titan's arm but failed to go anywhere.

"Hold on." He tried to bend his neck so his tongue could reach his suit where left over of candies stuck. "Almost there..."

You looked at him. "Oh my glob. Just get a napkin!"

"No I'm almost there. It'll taste like napkin if I use a napkin."

"Hurry it's almost our turn!"

"Blahh. Gahhh." His tongue licked the candy.


OCC or random scenes...



//you dragging aka down the runway with sunglasses on, SWAG//

aka: //mouths//

aka: help me


before walkway performance...

ki: ok now should i do this?

ki: //trying out new poses and making duck lips into the mirror//

you: //stand there watching him from afar//

Aomine comes with popcorn

ao: want some?




//mid looking like a tomato or radish//


doesn't he look handsome?


mid: give me back that stupid phone! Takao! (F/n)! Get back here

you: grandpa legs!

taco: Nahnahnabooboo


photoman: have mercy on me oh great spirit


kuro: boo

photoman: salt! Garlic!

you: ... Yeah were going



//lovely photo of Aomine face down in the walkway, butt held high in the air//


mura on walkway:

him: ahhk 

him: //still trying to eat candy//

the picture of him:

//Sushi's tongue sticking out as he tries to clean his suit and you face-palm in the action shot//

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