Lets play a game

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"Die you peasant!!!" Akashi yelled at the screen while playing the game.


"This game does not work, I am supposed to be absolute how can this be possible?" Akashi asked handing the game back to you with an confused look. "I do get everything right. Hm."

You took the controller and played the game beating it easily.

"Huh, am I that good?"

Akashi glared at you walked out of the room and closed the door. You could hear his footsteps outside and a clunk of metal that hit the wall.

"Uh oh, Akashi!"


"Why!" Kise looked at the screen with a hopeless look on his face as he cried. "(f/n) this game... is a monster."

"It's okay Kise!" You said encouraging him. "You'll get it this time!"

An hour later...

"(F/n) I can't do it!"


He stared at the screen with an intense look on his face, the game controller in his hands and a glare at the screen.

"Shin-chan we've been playing this for hours can't we stop?" You whined tugging on his shirt.

"No, you may rest but I'll beat this." He replied still staring at the screen. "After all I have my luck item with me, nothing can go wrong with this candy in my hand!"


His player died.


"(F/n) I give up." Kuroko said handing you the game controller with a sad looking face.

"Aw, come on Kuroko!" You said. "I know you can do it."

You passed the controller back to him and he played it once more beating it with beautiful colors.

"See!" You said hugging the blue haired boy but then stopped when you saw Akashi glaring at you two through the door crack while snipping his scissors with a threatening look on his face.


"What the!" Aomine yelled while moving around as if he was the game character.

You dodged his elbow just in time.

"Watch it Ahomine!" You yelled plopping down on the nearby beanbag.

"Oi! Hold on almost got it, gahh!"


"Hey you know Kuroko already beaten this game."

Aomine glared at you.


"I don't get the point of this, (f/n)." Muasakibara said lazily with junk food laying everywhere on the ground.

"Come on just play and see if you can beat it!" You said. "Hahah, you see I couldn't."

"Hm, okay."

An hour later...

"(F/n) I hate this." He said standing up. "I ran out of snacks, bye (f/n) I need more food."

"Awww your no fun!


What Aomine does I sometimes do. Anyways request and blah blah blah. Was Akashi a bit OOC since he didn't win? Well, Thank you for more than 100 votes!!!!! I actually didn't know I could get so much! Yay!!!!!! Anyways mistakes, ignore and all that! Farewell! Ps the season 3 amaz! *faints* Kuroko and Akashi in episode 63!

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