1st of october

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I had a big neighborhood get-together yesterday which inspired me to write this. Me and my neighbor friends performed a few songs; me on the Cajon, my sophomore friend, and my freshman friend singing, ma Lil bro- zack - on the guitar and singing than the other smaller bro on the tambourine.


The fire pit heated up the cold air near it. The sun had already set and the moon loomed high above, at times the fire would crackle and the smokey smell filled the outdoor air. The basketball boys sat around the fire making smores and chatting away, the lonely basketball court in the backyard sat in the dark, a few basketballs sitting on the floor after a few round of king of the court and 'horse'. 

You cheerfully handed out more marshmallows, seeing the boys smile and chat was enough to fuel you with happiness. Aomine and Kagami we at each other's necks with playful trash talk- which, in your opinion, didn't really sound playful- Midorima was avoiding Kuroko who sat with Akashi talking about previous matches, Murasakibara was happily munching on s'mores with Himuro who kept making the sweets for the big guy. Riko sat off to the side snuggled in a warm blanket looking like she would drift off to sleep any moment and Kise was taking pictures of the group wanting to remember their few moments with each other.

The radio softly played in the background, a familiar song came on- Kise's ears perked up and he started humming, tapping his fingers to the beat. Your laugh rang in the air as Kise pulled you onto the basketball court behind the pit and started dancing to the rhythm, everyone follows in pursuit, except Riko who had fallen asleep. 

After a while Riko had woken up a from the noise, she saw Momoi dancing with a tambourine- hitting it to go with the beat-, Akashi sang- his voice was strong and mysterious, pulling you in with each word-, and Aomine and Kagami who we're doing a dance-off. Midorima chuckled from the sidelines with Murasakibara who shoved another s'more in his mouth.

"GO, TIGER!" Himuro yelled, Kise raised a brow and started chanting Aomine's name to support the blue-haired boy.

Kuroko hummed along to Akashi's voice while dancing with you, a wide smile on your face. Riko looked around, everything was so lively, she took out her camera and took a picture. Suddenly Riko was yanked up by Momoi and dragged onto the basketball court that seemed to light up with everyone's smiles. Akashi sang louder, You and Kuroko spun around the court, and all the guys and girls started dancing. Everyone sang and danced along to the songs until the break of dawn. 

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