Musical instrument

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It was music class and you two were supposed to find an instrument that was just right for you.

"This is a bit hard but we have almost every instrument here." You said scanning the instruments. "I think you'll fit the as the... conducted! But what about me?"

Akashi picked up the stick and gave it a tap on the music stand.

"I think it fits me too but I don't think it's an instrument. And you shall most likely be a harp, beautiful and graceful. But you wouldn't need an instrument to play my notes."

"Do they have a harp?" You asked quickly, turning your bright face away from Akashi's view.

You searched around the room and almost screamed when a hand was placed onto your shoulder. Akashi's face was next to your as he whispered.

"I shall be the conductor and you shall be my instrument and we'll make s grand performance... tonight."

You speed walked away saying I think I found the harp! Leaving Akashi with a smirk.


It was music class and you two were supposed to find an instrument that was just right for you.

"Ooh ooh!" Kise said pointing to an instrument with stars in his eyes, literally.

"What? Oh are you trying to imitate a monkey?!" You asked thinking you hit the nail on the head.

"No (f/n)cchiiiii!" Kise said then shoving a flute in your face. "Don't ya think this is me!!"

"Hm, upbeat, fast, shinny, yup. That's you, now how about me?"

"A...uh..." (-_-) "Lets see... A triangle!"

"How in the wold is that me!?" You asked as red flames danced in your eyes.(a/n: if you are like a triangle the instrument I am so sorry just put another instrument there)

"Because the flute is prettier then the triangle." Kise said as he played his instrument perfectly not even knowing you were crawling towards him with an evil look in your eyes.


It was music class and you two were supposed to find an instrument that was just right for you.

"I think your a... Clarinet!" You said happily and tossed Midorima the instrument without him knowing, he almost dropped it.

"Don't do that you can break it then I'll have to pay for it, nayandayo!"

"Roger! Hey Shin-chan what about me?" You asked pointing to yourself.

"A cymbal, their too loud." He said and started to practice the clarinet.

"Hey! I'm not loud!"

"Your screaming right now."

"I'm not loud!" You whispered then got a great idea.

You found the pair of cymbals and quietly snuck up behind Midorima. If I'm called loud then I might as well be loud you thought.

"Shin-chan~." you whispered into his ear startling him a bit.

He turned around to face you and you took that moment to crash the cymbals together.

"Your paying for my glasses (f/n)."


It was music class and you two were supposed to find an instrument that was just right for you.

Kuroko played the piano perfectly as you say next to him watching as his fingers slipped from key to key. He stopped and stared at you.

"That was amazing!" You said and Kuroko gave you a VIP smile. "Piano is the best instrument for you!"

"Thank you (f/n)." Kuroko said then looked around. "I think you should be a beautiful sounding instrument but non of these can fit you, your to beautiful."

"Hey remember when you pretended to be a ninja-anime-need-thingy?"

"Please don't bring that up (f/n)."


It was music class and you two were supposed to find an instrument that was just right for you.

"Oi! Oi!" You yelled at Aomine motioning him to come over to you. "I think you'll suit these drums!"

"Oi I only say Oi here!" He yelled back and tiredly walked over to you.

"Here." You have him the drumsticks and he sat down on the throne/chair. "Play."

Aomine counted under his breath then closed his eyes and his arms dropped to his sides. A snore came out of his mouth and just as you were about to hit him a wake his hands, arms and wrist were moving on their own.

After he had finished sleep playing Aomine woke up and stared at your surprised face.

"What? And what's with that pose you look... weird."

You were still frozen in your position of when you were going to hit him. You straighten up and pointed at him and gasped in shock.

"What the heck was that!?"

"I dunno I just fell asleep, hey (f/n) wake me up when schools over." He fell asleep again and he started to play the drums again.


It was music class and you two were supposed to find an instrument that was just right for you.

"Your a French horn!" You yelled pointing at the giant and making a big scene while doing so.

"Huh?" Murasakibara said with a candy cane stuck half in his mouth and more candy and junk food was in his arms.

You tossed him the heavy instrument but he doges and watched it bang on the floor.

"Were you trying to crush my candy (f/n)chin?" He asked with a scary face.

"Nononononono!!!!" You yelled "I'll get you candy after school double the regular!"


"(F/n)! Murasakibara!" Your teacher yelled pointing to the broken horn. "Your paying for it!"

"No she isn't she's paying form candy." Murasakibara glared at the re hear making her run for the door.



Read thissssssssssss!!!!

Okay updates will be slow until well maybe until my jail school ends. But yay I finished all the tests(exams, ect. whatever) anyways I rushed through this a bit quickly and didn't reread and I didn't try to fix any mistakes please try to go around the mistakes or ignore them I think I might close down the updating for a bit and work on editing. yeah. Thanks for the votes, read, and fun, hilarious comments to read I love it when you comment. I really got to go!!! I'll try to update and edit! Byyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!

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