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You boyfriend is any of the characters from knb so your freeeeeeee!




Ding Dong!

"Coming," you yelled running to the door. "Gahh!" You slipped.

Strong arms caught you and you were picked up by your brother Akashi. "Thanks, shorty." You smiled playfully.

"Don't call me that," Akashi sat trailing behind you. "Your not even taller than me."

You rolled your eyes as you slipped into your shoes and opened the door.

"Who are you?" Akashi asked rather rudely and pointed at your boyfriend.

You smacked Akashi in the head and apologized to your boyfriend.

"He's," you began but was cut off by Akashi.

"He has a mouth, let him speak for himself." Akashi glared at the unknown blob in front of him.

An hour later...

"Do you work? Do you have any criminal records?" 

"Akashi! We need to go!"


Kise looked your new boyfriend up and down before dragging you into the living room to talk leaving your boyfriend alone still outside, in the snow...

"At least let him in Ki-chan!" You said as Kise made you sit on the couch.

Kise ignored you. "I don't like him at all," Kise began. "His style is hideous! His hair don't let me even go there, I'M GOING TO BARF!"

You sighed. "Were dressing up for our date, its a fun costume party thing." You glared at Kise. "His hair is softer than your."

Kise sat down next to you and started messed up your hair with his hands. "I'm joking, he seems good to my my lill' sisters husband." Kise laughed at your reaction.

"Were not even there yet!"

Kise stopped for a moment and looked constipated. "SERIOUSLY DOE I'M GOING TO BARF!"


The moment your boyfriend walked in the room went quiet.

"Hi," your boyfriend said awkwardly. "Nice house?"

"Hey Shin-chan I'm going to go now! Bye!" You punched Midorima's knuckles and walked out leaving the green haired to his reading.

He's going to be fine, he didn't even looked concerned, you thought.

Inside of Midorima's mind:



"Excuse me but do you have any criminal record and have you done any business with drugs? Please tell me sir that you have never smoked," Kuroko said bombarding your boyfriend with questions then added a stern, "Don't hurt my sister." 

"No, I don't do any of those and I don't have a criminal record either," your boyfriend said, Kuroko let out a small tiny smile. 

"Good, (F/n) I believe you are in good hands." 

You and your boyfriend left.

Kuroko took out his phone. "Treetops to shadow what is going on."

Tiger answered, "All is so far good, I'm going closer, Treetops out."


Aomine saw your boyfriend and waved hi then left to go to his marathon of porn.

"Bye, losers!" He yelled.

"See ya Fart Face!" You yelled back.

"So long Butt Hole!" 

"Good day-"

"We should go," your boyfriend cut in.

"Bye bro!"

"You too sis!"

"Nice sibling relationship," your boyfriend commented.


"Want some?" Murasakibara asked staring down at the ant boyfriend with a pokey in his hand.

Your boyfriend shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine. Is (F/n) ready?"

Murasakibara said nothing and stuck the food into his mouth and turned to walk away.

"Oh hey your early!" You said coming out of the bathroom ready to go. "I see you've met my brother..."


"Lets go!" 

As you two left your boyfriend felt like he was being watched. He looked behind him at the house to see two purple eyes staring at him from the top floor window, the words "You don't like pokeys" was written on the window.

Your boyfriend quickly turned around.

OCC or random scenes...


at the door...

Ki: And now u may kiss de bride!

BF: ... what?

you: //book and slams it down on ki's head//

BF: uhhhhh

you: Dont worry i've learned from the master

you: //bows at miniature maka statue standing on a beat up soul//


takao walks in

mid: why r u here?

taco: im picking up f/n for a date

//the world explodes//




Shin-chan=Mr. Ribbit


aomine=the pervert

murasakibara= titan lord



kise=that guy

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