the last chapter

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im being completely honest when i say i dont regret writing this book... yeeeeah

but things do have to come to an end at some point and i think its a good idea to stop here with this child of mine (im talking about the book btw lol)

im glad if you laughed at least once because that was my main focus, i just want everyone if they r feeling down or just want a laugh to be happy and i hope this made you guys laugh or smile 😊

anyways i'll leave this book up and will make other book about other fandoms im in or even make another knb fanfic or book if im free

the few reasons im ending it is because im running out of a drive to write, ik that sounds stupid but its like an writing block for me. i dont find what i write nowadays to be good enough. two is because i dont have the free time anymore due to grades and running an account on instagram also since that one focuses more on the career i want, this was just a hobby or fun thing to do for me to make people's days happy! and three because if i want to started writing new things based on knb i'll have to watch it again, its been about three or four years since i've watched it.

i still love the characters and series that wont change, and i am making plans on changing the format of this book and editing the already published chapters. if i have time and the spark ignites again i might post one or two chapters here and there but i believe it will take a while.

i wont be gone and nor will this book.

i hope you guys enjoyed this journey with me, i love all of your comments that tell me you find my book funny, and the comments where u tell me about yourself.

i'll be back.

leon (hye lin)

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