After a rainy day the sun will come out

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[requested] & [edited?]

F/c = favorite color

D/d/n = dead dogs name(if u don't like them or are allergic pretend it's a pony)

So this is about what they will do to cheer you up. I hope you guys like it so here it is. Thx for requesting and keep being awesome!



Your dog you had known your whole life had died last night and you were walking to your boyfriends house since he had called you to come. You knocked on the door and it open quickly.

"Hi, Akashi?" You say confused as Akashi stepped out with a happy face that looked like Kise when he sees Kuroko. "Why are you so happy?"

"Thank goodness your here I was about to kill it," He said dragging you in. "It didn't listen to anything I said!" He showed you a (f/c) puppy that was wagging its tail in his bedroom.

"Aw~ I didn't know you had a pet, Akashi!" You happily picked up the puppy and started to scratch it behind his ear. "Huh," You looked at the puppies eyes with a blank face and saw red and yellow mismatched eyes. "Well look at that Akashi #2."

"The rodents yours," Akashi said. "Now get that thing out before I kill it. Just because I got it to replace (d/d/n) doesn't mean that I have to be around, that."

"Thank you, Seijuro!" You said ignoring what he said.


You were being bullied at the school gates after school for being with Kise and this time instead of words they used punches and scratches. They left you siting up against the gate waiting for someone to help you. Suddenly a patch of yellow hair zoomed to you yelling. Loudly.

"(F/n)-cchiiiiiiiiiiii there you are!" The blonde yelled rushing over to you and hugging you without looking seeing your injures. "I looked for you everywhere!" He stopped and looked you over then went quiet. "What happen?"

"Hahah... Just some people you should really just go," You said pretending your fine. "I'm fi- hey! Put me down!!!" You yelled as you struggled to get out of his grip but wincing in pain because of your arm.

"Nope not until we get you fixed up." Kise said sternly. He started to jog fast while you enjoyed the free ride. It was pretty fun with the wind blowing in your face. Before going to the doctor you guys quickly grabbed an ice cream then started to run again to the doctors office.


Takao rushed over to Midorima's house after an emergency phone call from (f/n) that said he was out cold.

"I'm here!" He yelled making his way into the bed room by kicking the door open. You were on the ground trying not to cry while in a monster costume and Midorima was on the ground with large bumps on his head. Takao had to bring ice over since there was none there.

"Give me it," You said snatching the bag from the boy. "Oh geez I'm sorry Midorima if only you weren't so scared..." You drift off in though as Takao bandages the carrots head.

You two place him on his bed and Takao leaves to get some food. "Sorry, Shintarou." You whispered while playing with his hair.

"Baka," Midorima said startling you as he grabbed you wrist. "(F/n) don't be so hard on yourself, after all I am your boyfriend I'll forgive you for everything you mess up, nandayo."

"Midorima! Wait a second," You look at his face to see him still unconscious. "Hahah you were sleep talking! I've got to video tape this! Shin-chan can you say I love you (f/n)?"

And suddenly you forget about feeling worried and you lived happily ever after.

Behind the scenes...

"Hahah! Gosh Midorima I never would of thought you would say that!" Takao laughed as the videos went on and on with him repeating after (f/n).

"I'm a carrot tsundere." The video Midorima said.

"No. I'm. not." Midorima said angry. "(f/n)!"


"(F/n), what's wrong?" Kuroko asked with a sympathetic look.

You two were at your house and you didn't want to say anything or see anyone right now.

"Can you just go, please Kuroko?" You said with you head turned the other way, you just couldn't look at his face and say the bad news.

"(F/n) I can't help then if I go." Kuroko took a peek at your face.

"Fine," You took a deep breath turned completely towards him and said. "I'm moving."

There was silence after you said thought words until you mom called you down, the moving van was coming here in a few minutes but you weren't even packed up.

"Hm." Kuroko thought hard and you didn't know why. "Why don't you live with me, after all you are old enough."

You face brightened and you jumped at Kuroko giving his a hug bear hug. "Yessss!!!!!!" Then you danced downstairs asking for permission and getting an okay fine from both parents.

A/n: soo your going to be living with Kuroko now for the book unless... you burn the house down.


Aomine was asking you for help on what to do when a girls crying (since he went clueless before in the other chapter). You happily excepted the challenge.

"Alright I'll cry and you show me what you learned from the master of the crying." You said liking your title name.

You sat in a corner and started to pretend cry and be sad, you were very good at acting a bit too good. Aomine's mind went blank.

"Uh. Hm. Oh." Aomine said trying to think of what to do. "Uh I can't do this (f/n)!" Then he ran for it.

"Alright Aomine you can quit but you don't have to run! Get back here!"

A/n: I'm sorry but I didn't have one for Aomine


"(F/n)-chin." The Titan whined. "Make me food." You had just gotten you wisdom teeth pulled out and you were crying like crazy. (ps look it up on YouTube wisdom teeth pulled out its hilarious!!)

"Make it yourself," You cried into the couch pillow. "No one cares about me!"

"(F/n) your hurting my ears!" Murasakibara whined covering his ears and walking over to you. He looked at you for a second then started to tickle you. Your reaction was slow but it seemed to stop you crying so the Titan ticked you more until you fell asleep.

"I'm hungry, (f/n)."

You also forgot to feed him so when you woke up the fridge was empty.


Thanks for reading my weird chapters and my horrible spelling. Keep requesting and thank for the reads! See ya Hye lin out!

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