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[Requested] [edited?]

this just made my day.

I have not edited this so you might find some spell stuff somewhere. Have fun reading!

s/n = sons name


"(s/n)!" Akashi's voice boomed through the castle like house, you heard your son slide down the banister with a playful look on his face.

"Hi pops, mum," He greeted and sat down across from Akashi at the dinning table. "What do'ya need?"

"The cats out of the bag son."

"What cat? We have a cat!"

"No your gay!" You said and your son just looked at you then at his dad.

"Okay I'm gay, pops here always knows about everything." Suddenly (s/n)'s eyes widened. "Do you know about, about him!"


"Can I keep him?"



It seems that your son and Akashi has a telepathic relationship.

"Thanks! (Kuroko's son name) is so cute, right? I mean his beautiful (your eye color) eyes and his cute habits."

"I approve of this marriage!" Akashi yelled with you in the background holding a posterand cheering on your son.

A bit OCC for Akashi.


"Dad, I'm gay!~" Your son said bouncing into the room with a love struck grin on his face.

Kise dropped his coffee mug making it crash to the floor while your mouth fell open. Kise started to go on an over drive of to-much-information while you were shaking your son who was now dizzy to the brain.

"Stopppp!" Your son yelled.

"Soyourgay!wah!whathappendhaveinottechedyouhowtopickupcutegirlsorhotonesororororor!" Kise started rambling about all the lessons he had taught his son about the right way of how to pick up girls.

"Well actually I think you made me gay from all the boring lessons, it was to much work," Your son said running his fingers through his hair. "All you had to do to pick up boys was to hang out with them, have fun, flirt a bit then let go and go with the flow."


"Plus I already have 17 phone numbers, I guess i'm the player type."


"Kise breath!"


"You going to tell your father?" You asked your son as you two sat down at the edge of his bed discussing the situation.

"He'll get mad at me!"

"He's your father, he cares about you. I'll be right by your side."

You called Midorima and the door opened, Midorima walked in asking if everything was alright but from the look on his son's face he knew something was wrong. You motioned for him to sit on the other side of your son.

"What do you need to tell me?"

Your son looked at you and held your hand.

"Dad, please don't get upset, but I guess, I like males."

You watched trying to hold in your laugh as Midorima's face went pale white.

"O-okay." Midorima didn't know what to say.

"Oh and little Midorima here has a boyfriend.~" You said hugging your son at his accomplishment while Midorima's mouth was now gaped open and your son was red in the face.

"He's handsome and a (says a zodiac sign)."

"G-good sign, uh, need water."


"Uh, dad and mom," Your son walked in with his fingers nervously twitching, a sign he was either scared, overly happy, or completely nervous. "I have... I have something to, uh, tell you."

You and Kuroko's attention went to him and your son gulped down a deep breath of air. He sat down at the table with you guys and he spilled like a waterfall.

"I like boys!"

A silence filled the room that wasn't awkward but made your son uncomfortable. His hands were twitching like crazy now and his face beamed bright red like Christmas lights in the dark.

"(s/n)," Kuroko's voice made him flinch and look up slowly. "I back you up all the way."

"As do I, do you have a boyfriends yet?" You asked with a smile.

Your son just stared at you blankly then motioned a hand at the window were a flicker of (color hair) passed by. The door clicked open and Akashi's son walked in with a sheepish smile on his face and a pocket with a red scissor in it, like father like son.



Aomine LANGUAGE!!!!

"Hey dad know anything about dicks?" Your son suddenly said at the dinner table.

You choked on your food and Aomine spit his water across the table were, thankfully, no sat in front of Aomine where they would of got drenched. Aomine quickly wiped his mouth and faced your son.


"Do... You... Know... Anything... About... Dicks?"

"I know what you said and I know they are attached to you and me but, what?!" Aomine said and you held in your laughter.

"Well I always find myself looking at the guy in porns..."

"You allow him to watch porn! Daiki Aomine!"You glared at Aomine.

"Don't change the subject! Your gay!"

"I think?"

"What do you think of Taiga's kid?"

"He's sexy.~" Your son licked his lips.

Aomine's mouth could of fit ten full turkeys.


"I'm gay.~"




JK. You'll have to deal with more of this.

"I'm gay.~" Your son and Murasakibara were practicing basketball when he said this so easily.

For a second Murasakibara stopped then his lollipop fell from his mouth to the floor.


"I'm gay.~"


I'm gay.~"

"HUH! (f/n)!"

"Tatsuya's son his perfect for me, tall, cool, and cute.~"

"(s/n) are you okay?"

OCC or random cut parts


for where it said he could fit ten turkeys I legit thought 100 dicks. I'm sorry but I have a messed up brain and I blame Aomine.


My life is officially over. Good-bye people.

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