The baby mews.

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... Pfffffffff *trying not to laugh but failing* HAHAH this one sucks so I'm going crazyyyyyyy!!!!! hahah sorry anyways I'm not going to be writing for a while since I'm going to edit the stories and try to make them not weird so here we go and you know the rule ignore the bad spelling or tell me and I'll fix it. SUGAR RUSH Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


"Akashi," You said at dinner, Akashi looked up at you paying attention. "Uh, I'm pregnant." You said quickly.

"That's wonderful!" Akashi said getting up with excitement in his eyes as he picks you up bridal style. "I can't wait to see the twins!"

He spun you around(ooc sorry!)while you questioned what he said. "Twins?! How do you know?"

"I'm always right aren't I so why would I be wrong. Now let's celebrate." He carried you to the bedroom...

A/n: yeah I don't really know what to say now but sorry for the ooc in there and you can make up the story from there


"Sweet fish sticks!" You cried(hahah fish sticks... no ones laughing? Yeah I'm weird whatever just ignore me)"Kise I have something to tell you!"

Kise rushed in with a frightened face. "What happened?" He said and the whole basketball team ran behind him the captain getting ready to kick anyone.

"Uh," You pulled Kise into the room and slamming the door in the teams face then quickly locking it. "Good now Kise I have one things to ask and tell you. Whyare they here and I'm pregnant!" You squealed the last part.

"They were he- wait!" Kise's eyes glowed like stars and you knew what he was going to do. You quickly dogged the happy blond and he cried out in pain.

"Sorry Kise, again but no not with the baby in me."


"Shin-chan~" You called skipping through the hallway with Takao helping you look for the carrot.

"Be quiet, nanodayo." Midorima said from the bleachers in the gym.

"I have something to tell you!" You happily skipped up to him with Takao following behind you with a happy face.


"I'm pregnant!"

"What." Midorima's glasses drooped down his nose and almost cracked if Takao didn't catch them.

"You know when we hav-" You explained.

"I know what it mean nanodayo!" Midorima said putting his glasses back on.

"Yeah I never knew you did it with (f/n), Shin-chan!" Takao said happily. "And guess what I'm going to be the nanny!"

"I didn't know either!"

A/n: just imagine the scene... LOL!


"So um Kuroko-kun um how do I say this." You said tapping your chin thinking. Then you got an idea you grabbed Kagami by the ear and yanked him down to you size the whispered in his ear what to say.

"Wow." Kagami's eyes were big for a second. "Congrats Kuroko your going to have a baby."

"That's wonderful (f/n)." Kuroko said with one of his cute rare smiles.

"Eh I thought you would... Never mind. I can't wait I hope it's a girl!" You said as you hug Kuroko tightly.

"(F/n), I can't breath!"


"Aomine-kun." you say happily as you walk into his room. "Guess what I'm pregnant~"

"Eh, does that mean you'll become fatter with the baby?" Aomine says as he flips his magazine page to the next girl.

A vain popped in your head and you pulled out your new present Akashi gave to congratulate you about the baby. The present was a paper, well a BIG paper fan to be exact. You swung it at the blue haired man making him yell and cover many huge bumps on his head.


"Murasakibara~" you said as you pointed to your tummy. "Were having a baby!"

"Hm, does it eat candy?" He asked poking your stomach making you giggle.

"No but it will when it's older!" You said as Muasakibara handed you a lollipop. "Sorry Murasakibara but I'm not eating sweets until after the baby's born."

"Okay," He said stick the sweet in his mouth.


Okay sugar rush ended but I do get the easily. anyways I'm getting mad at Kise now since the 3rd season when Seiren is vs them ugh. And no this is not a spoiler I'm just saying an opinion, and I'm just saying I don't like the way he's beating serien it's driving me nuts!!!!!!!! Ugh, comment, request, ect. to lazy 2 right the rest by.

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