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[requested] & [edited?]

you two spend the night together | |


"(y/n), are you ready for bed?" Akashi called to you from the bed.

"Yeah." You said walking into the bedroom.

You climbed in bed and turned off the light when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around you making you squeak.

"Hey (y/n) what would you like to do tonight?" Akashi whispered seductively in your ear making you shiver.

"Lets just go to sleep," you said quickly as Akashi frowned. "Uh, good night, Akashi."

"Okay, good night (y/n)." He said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

In the morning...

You woke up and saw Akashi next to you still asleep. You poked his cheek making him open one eye.

"Good morning." You said happily as you smiled.

"Hi (y/n)." Akashi replies yawning.

A/n: think of a hot voice you know and that'll be Akashi's voice in the morning ahah


"(y/n)-cchi, your finally sleeping with me!!" An over excited Kise yelled as he hugged you tightly.

"Kise! Calm down!" You yell trying to get him off of you.

"But its (y/n)-cchi that's sleeping with me, I can't calm down!" He gave you the adorable eyes and pouted that you couldn't resist.

"Fine you can hug me, BUT! Not so tight that I can't breath!" You said.

"Okay!" He said as he hugged you again but not as tight. "Now lets go to sleep."

"And how do we do that? We're standing right now."

"Hm," Kise thought for a second then placed you on the bed and hugged/cuddled you in the bed. "Now we can go to sleep, (y/n)!"

"Hehe, night Kise-kun."

And next scene! Morning...

"Hbgf!" Something woke Kise up with a start.

"What was that, (y/n)-cchi?!" He asked but didn't get a reply. "(y/n)-cchi?"

"Hhvcgncfbnv!" It said again from under him.

Kise moved and saw you trying to breath with a beat red face.

"What the heck Kise I couldn't breath!"

"Sorry, (y/n)!"


"Come on!" You said pouting as you sat in his bed.

He took off his glasses and lied down next to you. "Don't do anything, now go to sleep." He said facing his back to you.

"Aww come on, your no fun." You said snuggling up to his back. "Well good night... carrot." You said with a yawn as Midorima stayed there his eyes open and his body stiff from your touch.


"(y/n)!!" Midorima yelled and stormed out of his new pink colored room with make up on him and some of his hair in small bundles.

"You look amaz, Shin-chan!" You say taking a picture of him. "It's girl Midorima!"


You were reading a book on Kuroko's bed while he was getting ready. It was getting dark and the only light left on was the lamp. And the door close to you creaked open slowly like in a horror movie.

"Kuroko-kun is that you?" You ask getting up. "Kuroko? Kyahhh!" You yell jumping back into a fighting stance.

Kuroko stood in front of you with his regular face in his hand was 2# who started to barking loudly. "Sorry if I scared you, (y/n). Shall we go to sleep?"


You both snuggled into bed with 2# in the middle of you. Kuroko kissed you head and mumbled to you. "Good night, (y/n)."

In de mornin...

You had woken up because of #2 and was now reading when the dog landed on your head. You looked up and saw Kuroko's face.

"Gahh!" You yelled almost dropping #2.



"Good night, Ahomine," You said falling asleep but added in a scary voice. "Don't you dare touch me."

"Oi, I wasn't going you touch you anyways!" He yelled. "I don't like flat chests!"

"What did you say, Aomine?" You asked with you back facing him while an evil aura was coming off you, he shivered.

"Yeah, you flat ches- Gahh!" He was tackled to the ground followed by a pillow in the face.

The rest of the night you two fought but you fell asleep in the middle of the bloody battle.

In ze morning...

You felt something poking you. On your chest.

You opened you eyes slowly to see feather pillows everywhere and the bed was a mess not to mention you were hanging off of it upside down. You looked up to see Aomine poking your boobs. You blinked once then twice.

"Pervert!!!" You yell as you punched him.


"Come on Murasakibara-kun!" You said trying to pry the lollipop out of his mouth. "How will you sleep with candy in your mouth?!"

"I'll keep it in my mouth the whole time." He said as you strangled him.

"Fine I give up!" You screamed frustrated as you plopped down onto the bed. "Lets just go to sleep I'm tired."

"Okay," The Titan said as he climbed in bed with you. He rested his chin on your head and hugged you closely. "Goo niht, (y/n)." He said with the lollipop in his mouth.

"Good night, Murasakibara." You said giggling.


"(y/n)," A sleepy voice woke you up. "My candy is gone."

"Told you so."


I just watched big hero 6 now 2 times and I want to watch it again big hero six fan right here! Who's your favorite character? Mines Gogo, woman up! Anyways tell me I'm curious. comment and what not. see ya!

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