Guess HOO the new ace is

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... The pun.


"Hahahah!" You laughed pointing your fingers at Akashi's face as he clenched his teeth. "Look at that I beat Bakashi!"

You ran around singing 'I beat Bakashi' in the basketball court making strangers stop to stare at you.

The red head stood up with a dark scary look in his face and pulled the red sharp scissors from his back pocket.

"Seijuro! Put that away!!!"


"(F/n), haha your good at this!" Kise yelled with a smile as he sat down to drink water.

"Well I have studied all the basketball player moves so yeah." You said sitting down next to Kise.

"You beat me again, I guess I'll just have to be on full power copy now!" Kise helped you up while dribbling the basketball and wearing a I'll-beat-you-this-time smile.

"Bring it on."


"The queen of the court has arrived!" You yelled wearing a cape, crown and everything royalty. "The carrot has fallen!" You pointed your staff at Midorima's face as he glared at you.

"You only beat me because I had the least luck today." He said picking the ball up and spinning it in his hands.

"Is that a rematch I hear?" You said with a smile.

"I'm not going to lose."


"Good game (f/n)." Kuroko said dripping in sweat.

"You too, Kuroko!" You had beaten Kuroko by a few points but only because he didn't use most of his triumph cards.

"Kuroko," You said approaching him. "Can we have a rematch? I want to beat the Kuroko on the Serin team!"

You held out your hand and Kuroko grabbed it to help him up.

"Okay, (f/n)."


"Haha I haven't had this much fun since Kagami!" Aomine laughed happily as you guys took a break.

You looked at him and saw the younger Aomine and you smiled happily.

"Oi, (f/n) why are you starring do I have something on me!?"

You chuckled and shook your since there was nothing on him. You suddenly tackled Aomine to the ground making his back hurt.

"What the heck (f/n)!" He yelled standing up with you attached to his waist like a belt. "Get off me!"

"No! The lill' Aomine is back!"


"Eh, come on Mura-kun your not even trying!" You whined as you shot the winning basket.

"(F/n) I'm getting bored with this can't we go?" He asked as you passed him the ball.

You thought for a second then Jagami came into your mind. "Why you a sore loser Baka?" You said while making a pig nose.

"Hm?" Muasakibara asked getting a little annoyed.

"Yeah a sore loser with no life just always running away." You took the ball from his hands and spun it on your finger as Murasakibara had his head facing the ground so you couldn't see his face.

"I'm going to crush you."

He finally looked up with electric purple eyes and a scary look on his face.



So I'll be making a book(might come out soon IDK when) with RedMoonRose and her friend who is texting her the info. Hopefully I'll have all the information I need to make this book and enough time my SOL(or exams, huge tests, ect.) are coming up so I'll be studying meaning I won't be on for a while. But still request and that other junk! If mistakes... well you know what to do. Until next time well if I'm alive at the end of the SOL's.

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