New Years Drunk Party + Little Surprise (wink)

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Your boyfriend was drinking his head off in a competition to see who's the best at taking alcohol. Of course he won, but got drunk after about... eleven?

"Ahaha! Peasants!" Akashi says, a bottle of wine in his hand and his suit unbuttoned. You slapped your hand to your forehead. Idiot.

"I'm absolute, heck I'm the definition of perfect!" The crowd, which had joined in the drinking battle, was drunk and celebrating as they yelled, '"yes my king!"

Akashi raised a brow and stomped his foot down on the ground, smashing through a chair. "Eh, who called me king? I'm a freaking emperor! Where's my... Ah (FIRST NAME)!"

You froze mid step and cursed under your breath, you were so close to the exit. Turning around you took in a deep breath and crossed your arms over your best making Akashi stare.

"Up here, emperor," you say pointing o your face, "what do you need?"

"I need a.... carrot!" Akashi walked over to you his legs looking like they would give out any moment.

He fell onto you and the smell of alcohol was coming off him like the smell of a skunks blast.

"And I need," Akashi leaned into your ear ticking you with his breath, "you-," you shivered, "-gort, I need yogurt."

It felt like a brick hit your head and you walked away dumping Akashi on the ground. That's the last time you'll let him get drunk.


"(First name), we're invited to the ice skating party with one of my old friends Victor!" Kise had said before you were here at the party.

And you kind of regretted it. I mean seeing your drunk boyfriend in only his underwear on the pole was funny but also pretty embarrassing since he was the only one doing it. Until Chris and, was his name, Yuri came.

"(First name)~!" Kise yelled from the pole, you turned away and acted like you didn't know him. Tears started forming in his eyes and Kise went into emo mode like a certain friend of your named Bokuto.

"(First name) won't even look at me, what's the point of living?"

You gave in. "Come here, Ryouta."

You gave the big guy a hug which made him happy in a second, turns out Kise can change emotional really quickly when drunk.

"Yuri~," Victor yelled taking a video.

"(First name) you smell good~." Kise sounded like Murasakibara.

Kise's bare chest made you flush red. And bad thing is that Kise noticed.

"Oi, you getting dirty thoughts (First name)?" Kise now sounded like Aomine, was his copy cat side taking over!

"I order you to meet me in our hotel bed room tonight." Kise winked giving you a small butterfly kiss on you lips.

Suddenly he vanished into the crowd like Kuroko leaving you with a blushing face and confused feelings. What just happened?


"Why am I here?" Midorima complained. The club music blasted off the walls and almost shattered his glasses. "Tch."

You clung to his arm and punted up at him, you noticed his face blush, except that might just be from the lights.

"Aw~, come on Shin-chan," you say tugging on his arm, "brighten up!"

A arm flew around Midorima's shoulder and the smell of a drunken man filled the air. "She up for sale? Doesn't seem like you're doing anything with 'er," the man says pointing at you, a discussed face flashed on Midorima's face as he slapped his hand off his shoulder.

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