Cuddle buddies!

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You got a dare from your friends to cuddle with your boyfriend in his room and was forced to do the dare. Your favorite (thing)'s life was on the line.

"I'm sorry Akashi-kun, if you don't want to cuddlllleeeee!" You were suddenly grabbed by the hand and fell onto his lap on the bed.

"I don't mind." He whispered in you ear making a chill go down your spine.

He wrapped his arms around you and you froze up with your face as red as tomato. His head was laid down on your shoulder and his face was was facing your neck.

"Why don't you stay here for the night?" He said.

"Whattttttt!!!" You yelled running for the door. "There I did the door I mean dare!"


You got a dare from your friends to cuddle with your boyfriend in his room and was forced to do the dare. Your favorite (thing)'s life was on the line.

"Yay (f/n)cchhhiiiii is going to cuddle with mee!" Kise yelled over excited.

He tackled you onto the bed and started to hug you as if you were a big teddy bear.

"Kise!! Can I-"

"No (f/n) is staying here with me!" He hugged you tighter but then loosened and you looked up to see Kise staring back at you. "You are MY girlfriend."

He pecked you on your forehead and hugged you again this time you hugged back.


"Come on Shin-Chan! You Baka!" You yelled trying to drag him to his room and slamming the door behind you with rage.

"They just had to get (fav thing) into this dare." You thought out loud while pacing around the room. Midorima was still a bit shocked from your outburst and was trying to fix his glasses.

"(F/n) be quiet you being too loud nandayo." He said sitting in a beanbag.

"Ahah come on Shin-chan!" you yelled even louder making him get a little irritated.

You grabbed him and threw him into the air vent that suddenly was big enough for you two to fit in it. You crawled in after him and turned left and right everywhere.

"Ahah!" You pushed Midorima out of the way and threw open another vent and looked down there was you special item. "H-hey!"

Bam! You two fell from the vent and onto the hard floor where your friends sat there waiting for you.

"And there goes your favorite item."


"(F/n)... be quiet."

A/n: Sorry bout this scenario it wasn't really bout cuddling


You got a dare from your friends to cuddle with your boyfriend in his room and was forced to do the dare. Your favorite (thing)'s life was on the line.

"Grrr." You stormed around the room as Kuroko watched.

"(F/n) maybe you should do the dare after all it is you favorite item. I don't mind cuddling but I don't really know how." Kuroko said sitting down.

"Reall-" Kuroko cut you off by pulling you down onto his lap.

"So how do you do this?" Kuroko asked his chin on your shoulder.

"Uh..." You mind was unfocused and a bit confused.

"Do I do this?" He asked pecking you on the lips.

"Omg you are so cute and innocent!!!" You squealed hugging the confused Kuroko tight.

"Did I do it right, (f/n)?" He was still confused.

A/n: I'm a bit confused now about what cuddling is several people say it different things tell me the truth please cuz u still don't understand this, don't judge me I'm clueless right now


You got a dare from your friends to cuddle with your boyfriend in his room and was forced to do the dare. Your favorite (thing)'s life was on the line.

You sat on Aomine's lap with a pout on you face and a bored looking Aomine string straight ahead. He sighed again and glanced at you then rapped his arms around you waist and started to use you like a pillow resting his head on your back.

"Im bored." He said.

"You always are."

The silence greeted you again and suddenly something warm was placed on you cheek. You turned to see Aomine grinning like a child.

"Your weird." You said bluntly.

"Ok it's not weird to kiss your girlfriend!"


You got a dare from your friends to cuddle with your boyfriend in his room and was forced to do the dare. Your favorite (thing)'s life was on the line.

"Yay, hug." Murasakibara said sleepil has he picked you up and stated to hug you gently. "Have a candy (f/n)." he stuffed a chocolate bar in you mouth and you stated eating it.

He sat on the nearby chair with you on his lap. His arms clumsily hugged you from the back and rested his chin on top of your head.

"Can I have some?" He asked his mouth open.

"Sure!" You put some in his mouth and he ate them in a second.



He plucked the bar from your hand and ate it. Then hugged you.



Sorry bout this it was written fast and clumsily but Kuroko went over his childhood Akashi!!! Omg that ep was awesome!!! And if you don't know this you've got to watch it. ignore mistakes and thank you for the votes! got to go! Highly these school stuff will be over soon so I can write more often. Happy memorial weekend! If this wasn't really cuddling I'm very sorry request and all that crap I may not be on for another week... or month sorry!

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