New Years Kiss

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First... Happy New Years! Second, I hope you like this!


"Come on." Akashi gently pulled you towards him as he stood at the banister of the hotel in New York. 

You stood besides him watching as the sky was soon painted in fireworks.


Nearby the television was buzzing about the new year and the big performance in the big apple.

"Now here it is! Only three more seconds until midnight!" The TV said with excitement.

Akashi turned to face you... 3

His fingers danced across your cheeks as you gazed into his eyes...2

He leaned in and you met him in the middle... 1!

The air was filled with the noises of celebrations and the constant sound of fireworks.

"Happy new years, empress." 


"It has to be perfect, (F/N)!" Kise yelled as he rushed to place the new years decoration.

The count down was starting and you two were still decorating, you being forced to by Kise.

"We're going to be to late!" Kise said rushing passed you.

"Come here Kise."

He stopped in front of you still jogging in place and you pulled him close by the collar.

"Happy new years."

You slammed your lips onto his and the clock struck 12.


"Come on! It's not that cold, suck it up." You pulled Midorima by the hand through the crowd.

Midoima had two tickets to New York for new years and had you go with him.

"It is cold! I can't feel my face!" Midoima said as you stopped at the front of the crowd.

The huge ball sat on top of the building slowly falling.

"Three... Two!" You said along with the crowd.

"One!" Everyone shouted except for you and Midorima.

"HMMM!" Midorima was kissed on the lips by suprise and you pulled away with a smile.

"D-Don't surprise me like that!"

"Your adorable!"


"I am going to win!" You said as your eyes twitched.

"Nope." Kuroko said with a small smile.

You blinked.

"Argh! How in the world do you do that? I always lose the staring contest!"

Kuroko chucked and #2 ran over to both of you with 2016 glasses perched on his nose.

"Your so cute, #2... You to Kuroko." You laughed as Kuroko pouted then smiled.

"The count down is starting, (F/n)."

The radio boomed the last three numbers.

"Happy new years, princess." Kuroko kissed you on the lips.

He smiled into the kiss as you kissed back and as you two pulled away #2 licked you and Kuroko on the cheek.

"Happy new years to you too, #2." 


"Beat that, sucker!" You yelled as you smashed Aomine's character in the video game.

"What the! How did you do that!" Aomine said throwing his remote control onto the ground.

The words defeated appeared on the screen as you celebrated. Aomine of course making a fuss.

"But that's the, what 6th time you won? I'm supposed to win, I'm better then you!"

"Blah, blah, blah... The only one who can defeat me is me. Well guess what you just got fried!"

You two got into an argument and Aomine said you kept cheating.The radio suddenly boomed that new years was happening in three seconds.

"Hey, its almost 2016." You said as you turned up the volume to the radio.

Aomine grumpily sat besides you then looked up at your face that shinned in excitement, a smirk appeared on his face.

"One more second, Aomine!" You said as they were on two.

Aomine pulled you into his lap and crashed his lips into yours. His kiss became softer and the radio yelled happy new years.

"Gotcha." Aomine said smiling as he pulled away.

"Shut up, happy new years."


"This one?"


"How bout' this?"


You held up the recipes for a cake and had Murasakibara pick the best.

"This one looks good."

"I'm hungry~."

"As soon as we make a cake I'll let you eat it all yourself."

Murasakibara began to think and took the recipe book from your hand and flipped through it.

"This one."

It was a huge cake half the size of him and it was needing lots of supplies.


The kitchen became world war II.

"You'll burn it!"


After about an hour later the cake was done and the count down was beginning. Originally the cake was meant for the new years after party but oh well.

"(F/N), say ahh~."

Murasakibara held up a piece of cake to your mouth and you took it getting frosting on you lip. 

"One more second until 2016, folks!" The TV boomed.

Murasakibara licked the frosting off your lip catching you by surprise and your face was painted red.


Murasakibara kissed you and you shyly responded back.

"Happy new years, little commander."

HAPPY NEW YEARS! HOLY MOTHER OF HORSES! I'VE JUST REALIZED... hold on caps on....... Okay, I've just realized how long I've had this account, like a year or two? Anyways I have this out on new years eve because I'll be to busy on new years to publish it. Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you stick around until next year. 

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