Mothers day! Late

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I don't think I did this good since I tried to hard to finish this... I am so sorry you guys for not finishing this up on time! I have lots of homework and a test tomorrow on math which I suck at! But hopefully you like this! Ps I'll be using first names. Also if you put anything else down in Mother's Day help I haven't checked my notifications so I only used the ones there first so if yours was there and I didn't see it sorry!!!!!!!!! If I did stuff wrong TELL meeeeee.....



It was Mother's Day and you couldn't wait until your husband and your kids came home. You were cleaning in the kitchen when the front door opened.

"Mommy!" A little boy who resembled Seijuro yelled running at you for a hug.

His eyes were (your eye color) while his hair was Seijuro's red and he also had a bit of the two personalities.

"Happy Mother's Day (f/n)." Seijuro said walking in with a smile warring business clothes and holding (favorite flowers) out to you.

"Aw thanks Seijuro." You said taking the flowers and looked down at your son as he pulled on your top.

"Here you go I made it myself!" He gave you a necklace with real jewels on it.

"Eh?" You wondered where he got jewels real ones.

"Dad both them but I made it!" He proudly said.

"Now why don't we go have a nap (f/n)." Seijuro whispers as he pulled you into his arms with a sly smile.

"No daddy! Mommy mine today!"

"Uh thanks for the gifts guys but shouldn't I be making dinner?!"

"Come on (f/n) take a break."



It was Mother's Day and you couldn't wait until your husband and your kids came home. You were cleaning in the kitchen when the front door opened.

"Good gifts." You heard Ryouta whisper to your son and daughter.

"Ryouta you and the kids home?" You yelled as you chopped carrots.

"Hi mom." Your son said with a crooked grin. He had your (hair color) and Ryouta's eyes.

"Hello~ mum!" Your daughter said happily her pigtail bouncing up and down. She had Ryouta's hair but had your eyes.

"Hey prince and princess." You said happily as you ruffled your son's hair and kissed you daughter's cheek.

"What about me?" Ryouta asked pointing to himself.

"And hello to you Ryouta." You kissed him on the lips and picked you daughter up.

"Here you go mum/mom!" Both of the children said at the same time. "Happy Mother's Day!"

They gave you 1 big box from one of their backpacks and you took it. You placed your daughter on the ground and opened the gift. Inside was a gorgeous silk (color) dress and on of you favorite anime series season.


"I made the dress with the help of dad and weirdo gave you the anime!" Your child said cutely and pointed at the weirdo who was her brother.


"Thanks Ryouta for helping them." You said as you watched the two siblings bicker back and forth for who was the weirder weirdo.

"No prob." Ryouta said and swung his arm around your shoulder. "Hey kids mom said that she'll do a fashion show with us!"

"Really?/alright!" They shouted. "Well get the stage ready!"

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