Chapter 35 - The Icy Lake

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Chapter 35!!!





Chapter 35 - The Icy Lake

Ginny POV

Why is it that everyone thinks I'm stupid because I'm only a first year!

Ginny your too young to get a boyfriend.

Ginny this Ginny that.

Their only second years!

Why do they have to moan at me?

I fastened my letter to one of the schools owls.

I was standing in the owlery, a room that stunk.

It stank of owl droppings and hay.

My mother sends me a letter every few days and I like to reply quick.

She doesn't tell me much in her letters.

Only things like the weather.

It is the start of the Christmas holidays in a week.

I am looking forward to seeing my family.

The only thing is though that Alice is there!

Alice has upset me. Alice Potter the girl who lived.

Everyone thinks she is a saint.

Even the teachers even though they try to mot show it as much.

All the boys like her.

Especially that Ethan.

I love the way he spikes his hair! He smells like hair gel and soap.

Even his accent is cute!

The one boy I like is taken though.

By Alice stupid Potter.

Trust her to like him too and he likes her. I can tell.

It is so unfair!

I am being selfish. Very selfish.

Every one can't like me.

But who cares! Alice gets everyone!

I have to impress Ethan. Even more than Alice does.

I have to put up with Alice for the whole of the Christmas holidays!

Poor me.

I sent the owl away. I had chosen a fluffy brown one.

It actually looked rather cute.

I headed out the door and down to the entrance hall.

Ron had tried to get me to see sense earlier on.

It hadn't worked though.

I flipped my long red hair behind me in one swift motion.

The door was open and I headed out in to the grounds.

I was free!

Steam was filling me up.

Anger was taking over me.

I ran through the cold snow to work it off.

The snow was cold and fresh.

I hadn't dressed very appropriately for the weather.

I shivered.

The lake was frozen over. Ice rippling across it.

The snow reflected in it.

Everything about it was gorgeous.

Like Ethan. Ethan would never be mine though.

I had to face up to the facts. I had to make up with Alice.

Tell her I'm sorry.

I can't believe I have been so unreasonable for so long!

Alice couldn't help it that she had fallen for Ethan.

And Ethan had fallen for her too.

I had to start acting normal and give up on Ethan.

It was a lost cause.

It was starting to snow lightly again.

The little wisps of snow caught in my fiery red hair.

I started running again.

I ran towards the forest planning to pass it and go on up to the castle.

It started to snow heavier.

I got to the edge of the forest and I had to stop.

I was out of breath.

Something was in there.

Some one.

I could hear low voices.

I peaked in through the trees.

Draco Malfoy and Sarah Lestrange were sitting.

I froze to the spot.

They couldn't see me I hoped.

My breath stuck in my thought.

Draco had just kissed Sarah.

I took this as an opportunity to run off.

I continued my journey back up to the castle.

It was time to make up with my friends.

To tell my friends that I'm sorry.



Xxx weemee xxX

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