Chapter 54 - Dark

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Chapter 54!!!

Thanks to artemis9 for fanning!




(Sorry its just a little one!)

weemee x


Chapter 54 – Dark

Voldemort POV


“Good afternoon Lord Voldemort.” I gazed down at the girl below me. She had remembered her manners around me.

“I am your father. Call me that.”

“Alright Father. Is it true then?”

“Are you insinuating that your mother who has been there for you is lying?” I kept down a growl.

“No, I was just double checking. You can never be too sure when you are a death eater.”

“Very cleaver Sarah. You have been taught well. I have heard about Bella kidnapping you. She will die for hurting you.”

“You are protecting me?”

“Would I really want my own powerful blood to die? You are my heir. A powerful heir.”

“You are making me your heir?”

“Yes, I only have one child. You. I trust you. I think we should call off your next mission though.”

“The one where I have to get Ethan to fall in love with me?”

“Yes, I have a better plan.” I smirked.

“Father may you please disclose those details to me?”

“Of course, I am going to take over Potters boyfriend’s body a few times. It won’t be pretty for her.”

“That is pure evil. It would hurt her so much! Ethan is a werewolf also – we could try to get him chucked out of the school.”

“A werewolf. I trust that not many people know this information?”

“No father. Only his friends. I personally over heard them talking.”

“Parents wouldn’t let their kids associate with a werewolf. They think they’re wrong. Yes, I am leaving this to you Sarah.”

“What do I have to do?”

“You have to let the whole school know about the boys ‘condition’. This would break little Alice’s heart.”

“It would leave her a quivering mess.”

“Exactly. That is our aim. She shall die soon. She does not deserve to walk on this earth.”

“She annoys me father. She thinks she’s perfect.”

“You are much better Sarah. You are fighting for the right side. The dark side always wins.”

“It always and will always win father.”

Sarah POV

“It always and will always win father.”

“Yes Sarah; it shall come on top. Now we need to get you kitted out for tonight.”

“What is happening tonight?” I had never heard anything about that before.

“Actually not tonight. I am getting hungry. Dinner is in an hour. Go get ready.”

He waved his hand waving me out the door. I got up and left. What was I going to wear!

I didn’t want to ask him though – he isn’t the sort of person that you question.

I walked in to my room. Where to start. I turned around.

Lying on my bed was simple black dress. I walked over to it.

The black cotton was the finest cotton ever. The green sash of silk shined like never before.

A simple pair of black pumps was lying beside it. My father must have sent someone up with this for me to wear.

I got changed in to the outfit. The dress was a brilliant fit – the skirt floated around me.

The shoes matched perfectly. I walked over to my mirror and gathered my hair up in a green clip.

I pulled out a few bits so they floated beside my face. I smeared some simple silver eye shadow on my eyes.

That was me. I was ready. I sat down on my bed. It wasn’t just time to go yet.

“Knock, knock.” Someone was knocking on the door to my room.


“Miss Felix, I am accompanying you to dinner tonight. I must say though, you look ravishing.”

I looked up. My eyes met none other than Draco Malfoys.

“DRACO!” I screamed throwing myself at him. I pecked his cheek and hugged him.

“Hello Sarah. Are you ready? It is time to leave.”

Draco’s accent never failed to amaze me. The way he could just cut off his words and leave them hanging in mid-air.

I nodded and grabbed his hand.

“By the way Sarah, I wasn’t joking. You do look good tonight.”

“Thanks Drac. You don’t look too bad yourself.”

I looked at Draco. He was wearing a black and green suit.

They must have chosen out outfits to match.

We walked in to the ballroom. It had a table running up middle of it.

I looked to the stage. My father was standing on top of it beside my mother.

The room fell silent when they saw us. I gripped Draco's hand tighter.

My father spoke first, “Everyone, take your seats. I have a little job to do tonight. Sarah, Draco come here.”

I let go of Draco's hand and walked up to the stage. I nodded at my father.

He began to speak again. “This is Sarah. She used to be looked after Bellatrix Lestrange until her mother took over from her. Sarah is my only heir to my thrown. She is my daughter.”

A knife could have cut the tension in the room.

“Draco, step forward. This is Draco Malfoy. He and Sarah are my young death eaters. They could take on many of you lot and win. They are very powerful. As you are all aware dark marks do not show up on under seventeen’s. I have a new way to mark them until then. These marks are only visible when they want them to be. Only one other person alive has got one. Sarah you shall go first. Step forward.”

I stood forward to my father. He raised his wand in to the air. Suddenly a burst of black light came out of it. It hut my on the inside of my right wrist. As soon as it started – it stopped.

I looked down.

I had a small skull imprinted on my wrist. My father was doing the same to Draco now.

“That is these two marked. They are special. Treat them like that. Listen to them. They will give you a run for your money.”

I grabbed Draco's hand and walked back down to our places at the table. As soon as we sat down food appeared.

I picked at a potato. I wasn’t in the mood for eating. I looked at Draco. He was playing about with some sweet corn. It seemed like he didn’t feel like eating either.

Draco rose from his seat and walked down to the front. He spoke to my father.

He walked back over to me.

“Come on Sarah. We’re going out. We won’t have much time until we are back at Hogwarts so let’s go for some pre – Christmas dinner.”

He held his hand out for me.

I took it and headed of in to the night.

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