Chapter 23 - A Thing Called... Love

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Well Draco's POV it is! I'll do the same thing for the next chapter!

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Thanks to -

 57angelgirl, SarahoftheOpera - for fanning

and all you great people for commenting!


Chapter 23 - A Thing Called... Love

Draco POV

Sarah waltzed in to Snapes class room.

I followed her. The room was chilly. It sent a shiver down my back.

Snape slammed the door shut with a loud bang.

"Sooo Snapey..." Sara drawled. "What doo you want us for? I have better things to be doing with my time."

Sarah was a little devil. She knew only she would get off with that.

Her mother is the Dark Lords right hand woman.

No one gets on the wrong side of the Lestrange's.

They were deadly.

"Sorry Miss Lestrange. I have a message for you two though." Snape spoke up.

I raised my head, "A message? What is it?"

"Well," Snape began, "The Dark Lord has a little... Mission for you two."

"Continue!" Sarah barked.

"He wants you to watch Alice very carefully. Especially out in the grounds."

"Why?" I asked.

"He has a feeling that Alice is up to something."

"Ahhhhh," Sarah dreamed clicking her tongue, "Does that mean I get to torcher her!"

"NO!" Snape yelled, "That is for the Dark Lord to do!"

I looked at her.

She was actually quite pretty.

No she wasn't she was... stunning.

No! I couldn't love her.

She was a Lestrange! Her family would kill me!

I had to get out.

"I need to go," I whispered keeping my Malfoy cool.

I turned and exited out the door.

I looked at my watch. It was half past five in the morning.

I had to get away from Sarah.

I couldn't let her see how I was feeling.

Around her my barriers dropped. If she saw I knew I would be....


Yes dead.

If she didn't kill me her family would. They are very protective of her.

No one needed to protect Sarah though.

She could defend herself.

I headed out in to the grounds. The sun was beginning to raise.

The air was crisp and chilly.

I headed to the lake.

Its vast open space calmed me. I had a job t do.

I thought back to what Snap had told us.

I had to keep an eye on Alice.

I couldn't let her suspect anything either.

This would be hard.

How could I follow her without her noticing.

Could I manage to fulfil this task?

Would the Dark Lord be angry is she suspected anything?

My thoughts drifted back to Sarah.

Her pretty face filled my head. It was gorgeous.

I struggled to push the thoughts away.

I gave up trying to keep my barriers up.

It was only me around. I let them fall and a small smile grew on my face.

A different kind of smile to my evil smile.

An in love smile.

I was in love with Sarah Lestrange. How bad was that!

The sun had fully risen.

I stretched and pulled myself up of the bench.

I headed towards the castle.

It was time to face Sarah Lestrange.


There we go! Hope you enjoyed it!


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