Chapter 50 - Coming Back To Life

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Chapter 50! I Can't believe it!

Sorry for the wait! Going to be slower on updates for a while!




Thank you x x


Chapter 50 – Coming Back To Life


“I missed you so much Gin!”

Ginny had been awake for a few hours.

It was great to see her awake again. We all missed her.

“Is everyone else ok?”

“Yeah little sis. Just fine.”

“I blame myself Ron. It’s all my fault.”

“How is it Gin? How? How!”

“It’s my fault because I went out alone! I knew the risks!”

“What risk? We were on the Hogwarts express for goodness sake!”

“I could have watched my back more…”

“Ginny you have to live. You can’t stay in a hole all your life.”

“I know but…”


“I could have endangered you all!”

“Ginny stop being stupid!”

“I have to speak to the Aurors soon. And Dumbledore. I can’t face up to it. I can’t.”

“You can’t or you’re scared to?”

“A bit of both. You don’t know how I feel right now.”

“I understand Gin. We all felt that way when you first got brought here.”

“You did?”

“We all did. We are not monsters Ginny.”

“I’m here now Ron. I’ll be more careful from now on.”

“You don’t need to be Gin. Just live your life and have fun.”

“And that’s coming from Mr no mates…”

Ginny weakly smiled. I could see she was in pain.

It was good to see her joking around again.

“I do have mates thank you very much!”

“Ok.  Whatever you say…”

“Ginny… I’m here for you little sis. Ok? If you ever need anything I’m here.”

It felt good saying that to my sister.



“I know who it was. I don’t want them in trouble though.”

“Why not Gin! They deserve it!”

“No they don’t… They need a life.”

“They nearly took yours away though!”

“Nearly Ron. Nearly. They didn’t.”

“They need punished!”

“Ron! They don’t.”

“See sense Gin! The pain we all went through!”

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