Chapter 37 - It's a Kind of Magic

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Chapter 37!!!!!!

Alright everyone,

I desperately need more votes. I have a deal for you all. If I get at least two votes on every chapter I will then start voting on my fans works. The more votes I get the more I vote. Thanks!!





Chapter 37 - It's a Kind of Magic

Alice POV

The last days of term flew in in a flurry of work and snow.

We were given news about quidditch. It was going to start again after the holidays.

What a great way to end the term!

We're going home tomorrow.

I will miss Ethan. We are really close. We're best friends.

I looked at him across the room. He was sitting reading with his cheeky smirk in his face.

He never goes anywhere without his smirk.

It's the one thing he never takes off.

"Alllliiiiccccceee Allllliiiicccceeee wakey wakey you hoo!"

"Hello!" I jumped up startled to see Ginny waving in my face.

I blushed realising I had been in a day dream.

"What was all that about Alice!"

"Ermm I don't know."

"I was just talking to you and you froze out! You do that a lot these days..." She sighed impatiently.

"Are you alright Alice?" Hermione looked up from her potions homework.

Snape had set up two rolls of parchment to write over the holidays.

"Yes of course I'm alright! What would be wrong! Oh I'm sorry. I was just thinking." I snapped at her.

"It's fine Alice. What were you thinking about? Anything interesting?" She asked me.

"Ermm ormmm Nothing!" I felt my cheeks turning bright red.

"Come on Alice! Tell us!" Ginny begged at me.

I shook my head at her. She really was like a puppy sometimes, "I was thinking about nothing!"

"Alice has a secret!"

"I do not!"

"Do not!"



"GIRLS! Some of us are trying to do homework!"

I took my gaze off Ginny. Hermione had blown her top.

She was mad at her for distracting her.

"Sorry Hermione," Me and Ginny murmured trying not to giggle at our friend.

Hermione sighed and got back down to work.

Ginny stood up, "I'm going to say good bye to a few of my friends you two then I'm going to bed. Bye!"

She walked off.

I turned to Hermione after shouting good bye after her, "Hermione, Do you mind if I go say good bye to Ethan?"

"That's fine All. You two have grown close." She looked up from her work at me.

"Have we? Ok... we are good friends."

"Just friends?"

"Well I think..."

Hermione smiled at me, "I really must get this report finished! See you Alice!"

I ran up the stairs to my dorm and walked over to my bed.

I pulled open my trunk and dove inside.

I plundered about until I found what I was looking for.

I tucked my invisibility cloak up my sleeve and went to get Ethan.

"Ethan! Hello! You coming?"

"Yep Ali! On my way."

I giggled at Ethan. The way he spoke, his accent was cute.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the portrait.

I laughed at him as he nearly tripped.

"All! What on Earth!"

I put my finger to his lips, "Follow me."

Ethan nodded and I started running. I ran towards the astronomy tower.

Every so often a ghost floated past me. I ignored them and I kept running on.

"Where on earth are we going Alice! Oh I get it!"

We were turning on to the astronomy stairs.

"It took you long enough Eth!"

We reached the top of the stairs. I slipped and landed with a loud thump at the top of them.

"So Alice, just Alice..."

"So Ethan."

"Why did a fair young lady like yourself bring a gent like me up here on a night like tonight?"

I smiled at Ethan. He had the nicest way to word things.

"I just well... wanted to say something. It might ruin our friendship but I can't pretend anymore."


"I cant Ethan! I don't like pretending!"

"Alice I need to tell you something!"

"But Ethan I..."

"Let me tell you this first," he interrupted me, "Alice I'm not normal. I'm a monster. Do you notice how every month on the full moon I disappear?"

I nodded.

"And how after it I look ill?"

I nodded my smile fading from my face.

"Alice, I am a werewolf. I was bitten when I was younger. Dumbledore has set up precautionary measures for me. I couldn't keep it from you any longer. I understand how you won't want to know me now so I'll go. If you make a fuss I'll probably move schools too. It was nice knowing you Alice just Alice."

He made a move back towards the stairwell.

I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving away from me, "Ethan,"

"I have to go."

I pulled him round to face me and I put my other hand on his other shoulder, "Ethan, That doesn't mean anything to me. I love you Ethan. That doesn't change anything."

"Alice... I feel the same. I love you Alice just Alice."

He pulled me in to a hug.

"I'll miss you when we are on holiday Ethan."

"Me too Ali."

I pushed myself away from him and looked at him.

He was wearing a small smile.

Ethan bent down and kissed me.

We brock apart and shared before we left the tower holding hands, to go see our friends.



weemee x x

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