Chapter 1

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Nicki POV

Today my supervisor said he wanted me to do an unusual visit. He told me to come to his office and he'd give me the file for the patient. I don't see this working out at all speaking that he needed me in his office.

My name is Onika but close friends call me Nicki or Nika. I'm 27 and I've been a psychologist for 2 and a half years. Usually I just stick to office sessions and some people I visit their house, but the fact that my boss needed to see me in his office about a visit was somewhat concerning.

I walked down the hallway to come in contact with my boss's door. I knocked before hearing a short "come in". I opened the door, stepped in and closed it behind me.

"Hello Mr. Smith.", I said while taking a seat.

"Hello Onika, I've called you hear to assign you to a special patient.", said Mr. Smith with a smile. Well at least I knew I wasn't getting fired. "You know how our institution works with North Texas State Hospital?"

"Yes, but isn't that a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane?"

"Yes it is, that's what makes this case so interesting.", said Mr. Smith.

"Okay, so why pick me?", I asked.

"I've seen the past patients you worked with and they all seem to love you even though most of them are very violent and unpredictable."

He wasn't lying. It seemed all the patients I had, whether they were inpatient or outpatient, were unstable. Some had PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, schizophrenia, and many more. Even though they were very unpredictable I always found a way to build a relationship with them and not see them as "crazy".

"Okay I'll need the file and I'll head that way now.", I said while gathering my things. Mr. Smith handed me the file and it was thicker than most but I was to expect that speaking that this person is a criminal.

"They're expecting your arrival.", said Mr. Smith with a smile.

"Thank you for the opportunity Mr. Smith."

Giselle's POV

"G I'm sorry, I'll have your money by the time you get out."

"No Keri you're not, because I told you I wanted my money last year and I never got it.", I said while cracking my knuckles.

My name is Beyoncé but everyone calls me by my street name G. I'm 28 and right now I'm standing in a cell about to beat Keri, a bitch who owes me money, ass. I told her around this time last year, to have my money, but this is my first time seeing her since then so now I'm going to kill her and send my best friend Robyn to kill her family.
Robyn is my one and only friend, she's my sister and I would do anything for her and vice versa.

I've been off since about 14, a lot of shit happened and I thought I would've died but I had to toughen up and not become weak. I became the psychotic bastard that all of Texas knows today. Robyn and I took over basically the whole United States, but Texas was our stomping ground. We had our hand in pretty much everything. Drugs, smuggling, human trafficking, anything you named, G and Bird was involved. Of course we didn't do it alone though, we had plenty of people working for us, but Robyn was the only person I showed emotion or sympathy to.

Well a couple of days ago one of my workers set me up. He said he had something important to tell me and before I knew it I was in a hospital for the criminally insane. Robyn said she would have me out in no time and I knew she wasn't lying, this isn't our first time getting each other out of jail, but the problem came in when she said I needed someone on the inside. She said I needed to be ready in less than 2 months before my trial.

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