Chapter 16

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Yoncé POV
2 days later

"BEYONCÉ WAKE UP!", yelled a voice as I laid sleep in my bed.

I prayed it was important because if it wasn't the maid would be cleaning blood out the carpet.

I slung the cover off me to reveal an angry Rihanna standing in front of me.

"Explain to me why you are here?", I asked with aggravation speaking that we weren't on speaking terms and it was 7 AM.

"Well Yoncé, your baby mama is here and you need to get rid of these bitches.", she said which made me turn and beside me.

There were two girls laying in my bed and I honestly didn't remember neither one of them.

"Did you get drunk last night?", she asked. I nodded.

Me: Sasha you ain't shit

Sasha: You can't blame me, all I did was drink, you did the girls.

"Alright I'll be down there in a minute.", I said groaning to myself. She nodded and disappeared down the hallway. I got out of bed to see myself in boy shorts and a sports bra.

"AYE BITCHES GET THE FUCK UP OUTTA HERE FO I BUST A CAP IN YA ASS!", yelled Giselle. They didn't move an inch, that's when my vision started to look more like a movie.

Giselle picked up the gun and shot two rounds in the wood head board. That's when their body jolted up.

"Get ya shit and step the fuck up outta here.", she said while holding the gun to the girls' head.

Their eyes filled with fear once they noticed what was happening and they quickly gathered their things and ran out the bed room.

"Problem solved, now you and Sasha need to figure out who's gonna tell Nicki why two naked bitches ran out of our house.", said Giselle before letting me take full control and disappearing.

Me: This is your fault Sasha.

Sasha: I have no shame in what I did, and I had nothing to do with the sexual activities that occurred last night.

I rolled my eyes and began to do my hygiene while preparing myself for the wrath of Nicki and her fellow companions who I've slowly met.

I've met Roman and somewhat met Tanya, they say that we don't need to meet but I say different.

Tina: I will beat yo ass if you even think of doing that shit, now we are supposed to be building the bond that y'all broke. So please act civilized.

Me: But what if she comes onto me, I can't resist all that.

Tina: You betta call rape or something but you ain't gonna ruin this.

Me: Fine whatever.

I've even met Rosa who is a true crazy lady. She has a Hispanic accent and isn't so caring and rational at all. She's cool most of the time but when she's tested or aggravated she's a-whole-nother person.

"So who was the two bitches downstairs?", asked a voice startling me. I jumped and almost poked my eye out while wiping my face. I turned and looked at Nicki.

"We got drunk last night and things happened, well technically Sasha got drunk.", I said while hanging the towel on the rack. She began to lightly chuckle and then up looked a hazel eyed Nicki. I quickly backed away till I was against a wall.

"You know Yoncé I was expecting to meet you but you have pissed me off.", said the unknown person while grabbing my straight blade. I was trying to look for signs, and that's when I saw it. The walk, the walk was seductive and sneaky. It was definitely Tanya.

"Tanya you better not touch me with that shit, and how do you know me?", I asked.

"The same way you know who I am, I live in the same head as Nicki, I see what she does or whoever is controlling sees, well really I only see it when I come near front, but it's basically like a movie room and if I get close I can hear, and if I open the door I can see and hear.", she said while looking in the mirror at herself.

"Still, put down the knife, if you know me you should love me.", I said with a smirk.

"I don't give a damn who you are, or how I feel about you, I wanna know who the two bitches was.", she said now walking towards me.

"Look Babygirl calm down, you know you can't just be waving knives around.", I said. She ignored my statement and continued to walk towards me till she was standing in front of me with the straight blade against my jaw.

Now unlike most believe I'm honestly the most sexually feminine alter in the system and Tanya was pulling at those strings. Nicki isn't dominate but she's no where near submissive. Whereas Tanya's toxic mentality came off as dominant as hell.

"Tanya you need to back away from me with that knife, now if you think you're going to intimidate me with that blade, you're wrong.", I said while pushing closer into the knife. She let out a chuckle and then quickly grabbed my neck wrapping her fingers around it.

Me: Someone betta get me out of this before I be riding her fucking face


"Dumb bitches"

I truly did want to stop what was happening and stay on the right path but her short ass obviously didn't give a damn.

"I met them at the club last night.", I said trying my best to get words out.

"See now was that hard?", she asked while releasing my neck and pulling the straight blade away from my face. I screamed on the inside from the lost of contact but kept a straight face on the outside.

"Next time you want to know something, probably ask without holding a deadly weapon.", I said while walking away. She pulled me back and swiftly sat me on the counter.

"Oh trust me I won't because after this I bet these other bitches won't even satisfy.", she said before locking our lips in a kiss.

I was caught off guard and by the time I was aware, her tongue was in my mouth and I couldn't let go. After about 2 minutes in she stopped and turned my lips loose and looked at my body.

I was praying she wasn't gonna do that activity because kissing is one thing to explain, but my pussy getting ate is another.

Her eyes traveled up to mine and before I knew it my shirt was ripped almost clean through and her mouth was latched to my right breast.

I gasped for air from the sudden wave of joy and tried my best to not let out the moan after.

Me: Whoever told this bitch I like my titties licked, ya mama's a hoe.

Unlike other people my breast are sensitive so them being licked does something magical to me.

My body was starting to go against me and I was close to saying fucking it, and letting my thoughts flow out

Just as I was getting there she stopped and I wanted to slap her silly. I tried to hide my face of disappointment but it showed.

"Now you can get the rest of that anytime.", she said with a wink before leaving out the bathroom.


Bey: (laughs) Nicki and Tina are gonna be mad at y'all.

Just great😒


Okay y'all so this I wrote while high asl so it might be a little bit more urban and different but I do need to start writing more like how act and who they are.

But I hope y'all like it and I love y'all

Go check out Triangular Affection and Death's Song, Triangular affection is about to hit 1k votes so help get it there. Death's Song is about to hit 1k reads.


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