Chapter 20

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Sasha POV

"So you got your father, who killed my cousin?", I asked trying to understand what she was saying.


I didn't know whether to kiss her or eat her out right now.

Bey: lemme handle this.

"I'll let you get in after I beat that nigga shit in.", I said.

"We can go whenever you're ready Daddy.", she said. I grinned. I tapped her thigh so she could get up.

"Call Mani Megan.", I said.

"Sasha now you know when I heard they got the nigga I texted Mani. She's on the way.", she said.

I know she was just as ready as anybody. Megan told me she had been taking gun lesson just so she could murk the nigga.

"How you doing Mamas.", said a man that walked in our section. Tanya noticed he was talking to her and she looked back at me. My face was calm and collected.

"What's your name?", he asked shaking her hand. She was no longer on my lap she actually was standing up.

"Tanya.", she said with a smile.

"Lemme get your number.", he said showing his iced out grills.

"She ain't available my nigga.", said Rihanna with a mug.

"Ian ask you bitch.", he said. I chuckled and he looked at me.

"Fuck is you laughing at?", he asked.

"Yo bitch ass, cuz you crazy as hell for coming in MY section and talking to MY girl!", I said.

"Well your girl seem to like me don't you Babygirl?", he said looking back Tanya. She had a smile on her face as she held the straight blade to his dick. He didn't notice till she tapped it and he looked down.

His eyes grew wide and he tried back up but instead backed into  the barrel of Rihanna's desert eagle.

"You know my baby here got so much power in it, it has broken my wrist before.", laughed Rihanna.

"Kelly call Luis I need to ask him a question.", I said. She smiled and pulled out her phone.

"AYE BITCH WATCH MY FUCKING SHOES!", yelled Nicki backing up. I looked back and saw the pool of piss growing. Tanya was obviously very upset because she began cursing in creole.

"Calm down Baby.", I said. She mugged me and I raised an eyebrow. She huffed and sat down.

"G you called me?", asked Luis stepping in the room. He looked shocked once he saw the man.

"Yeah I wanted is it okay if I make a little mess in here, I have people who will come clean it up before the nights over.", I said.

"G come on you know I have people who book this room all through the night.", he said.

"Come on Luis, this dude crossed the line, look I'll put extra on your payment just help me out.", I said.

He sighed, "Fine, since he's a constant problem I'll let you do your business.", he said. A smile spread across my face and I kissed him on the forehead. 

"Thank you.", I said.

"Yeah yeah.", he said waving me off and leaving.

Tanya began to cackle and I was honestly confused.

"You know if it was up to me, you'd be dead, but I'll let Bubba handle you.", she said in that thick New York accent.

"Look I don't want no pr—

Before he could answer my fist came crashing against his jaw and he hit the floor hard.


I ignored her and stood over the man as he cried in pain.

"You bitch too much my nigga.", said Kelly.

"See you making my cousin mad and if you think I'm bad just wait till she get pissed off.", I said.

"You know what fuck this shit I got a bigger fish to fry, Rih, Kelly, blow this nigga's brain out and meet me at the warehouse.", I said getting up and taking Tanya's hand.

"Bubba I wanna stay.", she whined.

"Don't start Tanya, let's go.", I said sternly.

"NO!", she said. I chuckled and walked over to her. I picked her up throwing her over my shoulder. Her ass was barely covered and I noticed she had on no underwear.

I finally got to the Bentley and I sat her down in the passenger seat and of course she had to be a brat.

"Calm yourself Tanya.", I said before going to the other side. I pressed the button and sped off going to the warehouse.

"You piss me off.", she said with a mug on her face.

"I don't care now hush.", I said while keeping my eyes on the road. I could feel her staring a hole into the side of my head but I could care less.

"Can I talk to Yoncé?", she asked .


"Why not?", she whined.

"Because brats don't get what they want and plus I wanna meet Matthew.", I said.

"See about that, ummm Nicole might have met him first and he might be missing a couple toes.", she said.

"Really I wanted to go first.", I whined.

"Too bad, you'll be okay.", she said blandly.

We finally arrived to the warehouse and I seen cars outside making me wonder.

"Who is here?", I asked.

"Some homeboys of mines.", she said.


"Shut the fuck up Sasha, it's just my fucking sister.", she said.

"What sister.", I asked.



Just a lil sum, I'm working on the rest so you won't wait long.

I love Y'all.


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